    Russia and Ukraine..????????

    Does anybody have any thoughts on this subject,,or is it considered taboo,?????

    +2  Views: 3566 Answers: 3 Posted: 2 years ago

    Not taboo at all.

    3 Answers

    I'm glad to see that Ukraine is fighting back with such determination. I hope that Putin's attempt to bully yet another country, will backfire on him and he will be out!

    terryfossil 1

    He says he is trying to save civilians and then starts carpet bombing civilians..which is banned within the world..I think that officially makes putin a war criminal..that should shorten his lifespan..Quacker>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Any day now Putin will be using small kamikaze drones to attack . Ones the received from Iran. The only way to stop the fighting is for a russian general to take over putin. 


    terryfossil 1

    G,day Zorro..the drones have already landed Zorro..and yes somebody with some nuggets is gonna have to drop him..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I think his nuclear threats have put a stop to most other countries doing anything but offering aid to Ukraine. Belarus has also threatened to invade the Ukraine. Biden stated no US troops... After he takes Ukraine, who else is he going to "help"???  And when do other countries try and step in and stop it? I don't think he cares about any sanctions being thrown at Russia. 


    I heard one of the retired generals say that if troops are sent in, that would involve shooting Russian planes out of the air. If that happens, they are concerned that Putin will push "the button". The world is obviously dealing with a mad man who may very well desire a nuclear war. BTW, Trump recently stated that what Putin is doing "is genius". So helpful. Takes one to know one I guess. :(
    terryfossil 1

    I think the rest of the world may have to HELP putin to stop invading countries..i say countries plural,,cause he aint gonna be happy with 1 country..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I agree Terry. He may very well keep marching towards the west if he isn't stopped.

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