2 Answers
I will send this question to my Administrative contact and post it here as soon as I receive a reply.
It has been my understanding that akaQA had lost its account with Google (Google + began in 2011) several years ago.
This is why all the truckloads of questions asking for help with recipes, diagrams, distances,(etc) abruptly stopped. This is also what made it possible for the akaQA members to finally answer all the two and three-year-old questions that remained unanswered because not much of anything new was being posted on akaQA.
I remember it was mentioned on a few instances that akaQA would lose it's licensing in 2017 and this would mean akaQA would vanish like tears in the rain, but we're still here as of February, 2nd, 2019.
Sorry, I can't give you any technical information and how the shut-down of Google+ may or may not have a bearing on this site.
I will send this question to admin tonight, but I don't know if it will be seen before Monday.
6 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
I'd trust Volcanes answer. :)