5 Answers
I'm very good at finding my way through the dark.
I'm very cautious when if I must exit the bedroom during the night because we have black-out curtains so the room is pitch-black. I run my hand along the mattress until I reach the foot of the bed. Then I turn a bit to the right while taking small steps (usually about 6) until I reach Roy's chest of drawers. Then I extend my arm out to touch the wall behind the chest of drawers and run my arm along the wall until I reach the door. I worry that if I am not so careful while leaving the bedroom that I may hit the wall with my face and break my nose or stump or break a toe. Once I'm out of the bedroom, the rest of the house is easy-peasy to manoeuvre through.
6 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Sound nothing. I go by memory. I reach for what I expect, touch without letting go, then reach for the next goal. We’re dark in here and when I come in from the bright Texas sun in my sunglasses, I can’t see squat. Have to feel around my purse for my glasses case so I can switch out.....
6 years ago. Rating: 6 | |