Neo-Nazi turns his life around. Thoughts?
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8 Answers
I'm a bit skeptical when I read these "great transformation" stories. I want to check back with him, ten years from now. I've seen two of these situations up close and a few years later, those involved were right back where they started....nothing but trouble, same as before. Sad but true. :(
6 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
As an aside: Do you know what his kids ( assuming he has any) tie their shoelaces with? LITTLE KNOT-ZEES!
I’m not buying the whole story. Sorry but I don’t. Either he wasn’t that strong of a believer to begin with or else Jesus appeared to him in the flesh. I’m sure he’s had other chance incointers but none that inspired change? Something’s fishy.....
6 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I've read the article and watched the video....twice. I don't see anything about "believer" or "Jesus". I've gone blind I guess. Where is that?
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