Three suspects have been captured on video at various Manhattan gyms. and are alleged to have broken into lockers...
and stolen over $100,000 worth of watches. A recent victim claimed his $24,000 watch was stolen. There are signs prominently displayed in the locker rooms, stating that management is not responsible for personal property. I can't say that I feel sorry for the "$24,000 guy". Can you?
7 Answers
Sure, I feel badly for someone who got robbed. If you've had the experience, you don't wish it on others.
6 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Seriously? Don't you think the man bears some responsibility for being foolish? Even if he couldn't read signs, he should know better.
Correct. No one wished a theft on anybody. My answer is in comment to what Clonge wrote is his dialogue.
They shouldn't bring expensive jewelry or other such items or a lot of money into a gym. why didn't the patrons or the cleaning staff see these people in the locker room breaking open the lockers ?
6 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Maybe, since there are 3, 1 or 2 act as lookouts. I go to a large gym with 1000's of male members ( as well as female ) and there have been times wen I was the only one in the locker room, albeit for very brief periods. Surveillance cams would possibly act as a deterrent, but of course, that would raise privacy issues.
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