7 Answers
Honey, it was 101 here yesterday. Real feel was up there. No break coming to us until July 4 when we’re expecting rain, a cool front of sorts dropping the temp into the lower 90’s. We’ll be hitting 110’s soon enough. Can’t keep anything alive except for the cotton.....
6 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
It's a pleasant 76 degrees here today and not a cloud in sight. People are grilling food outdoors and that's a rare sight to see around here.
I don't think I could tolerate temperatures above 80-85 degrees.
6 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

I don't like stifling hot weather so 85 degrees seems about my limit.

Believe it or not, same here. Yesterday with the humidity we had a "real feel" of 104*F. It is to continue for the next week. I hope that forecast is wrong.
I like the temperature at about 70* with sunshine. Everything above that is too hot for me.
6 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Come on guys the temp is only warm, you want REAL heat come Down UNDER, in summer of course, when it is 40c - 45c, at the moment it around -1 t0 3 c, colder than usual.
6 years ago. Rating: 6 | |