    what is englands line of succession

    0  Views: 644 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Of course this changes as soon a William and Kate have a child. Then Prince Harry and those below him get bumped down a notch for each child born to William and Kate.
    Yeah, Leeroy, Duke of Florida on the bottom of the list will be even lower.
    Okay, here you are, hope this helps?

    # HRH The Prince of Wales (Prince Charles, b 1948) B D
    # HRH The Duke of Cambridge (Prince William, b 1982) B D
    # HRH Prince Henry of Wales (Commonly known as Prince Harry, b 1984) B D
    # HRH The Duke of York (Prince Andrew, b 1960) B D
    # HRH Princess Beatrice of York (b 1988) B D
    # HRH Princess Eugenie of York (b 1990) B D
    # HRH The Earl of Wessex (Prince Edward, b 1964) B D
    # Viscount Severn (James, b 2007) B D
    # The Lady Louise Windsor (b 2003) B D
    # HRH The Princess Royal (Princess Anne, b 1950) B D
    # Peter Phillips (b 1977) B D
    # Savannah Phillips (b 2010) D
    # Zara Phillips (b 1981) B D
    HRH The Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon (1930–2002)
    # Viscount Linley (David Armstrong-Jones, b 1961) B D
    # The Honourable Charles Armstrong-Jones (b 1999) B D
    # The Honourable Margarita Armstrong-Jones (b 2002) B D
    # The Lady Sarah Chatto (b 1964) B D
    # Samuel Chatto (b 1996) B D
    # Arthur Chatto (b 1999) B D
    George V ? Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester (1900–1974)
    # HRH The Duke of Gloucester (Prince Richard, b 1944) B D
    # Earl of Ulster (Alexander Windsor, b 1974) B D
    # Lord Culloden (Xan Windsor, b 2007) B D
    # The Lady Cosima Windsor (b 2010) B D
    # The Lady Davina Lewis (b 1977) B D
    # Senna Lewis (b 2010) B
    # The Lady Rose Gilman (b 1980) B D
    # Lyla Gilman (b 2010) B
    George V ? Prince George, Duke of Kent (1902–1942)
    # HRH The Duke of Kent (Prince Edward, b 1935) B D
    Earl of St Andrews (George Windsor, b 1962) XM / D
    Lord Downpatrick (Edward Windsor, b 1988) XP / D
    The Lady Marina-Charlotte Windsor (b 1992) XP / W
    # The Lady Amelia Windsor (b 1995) B D
    Lord Nicholas Windsor (b 1970) XP / D
    # Albert Windsor (b 2007) B [n 2]
    # Leopold Windsor (b 2009) B [6]
    # The Lady Helen Taylor (b 1964) B D [n 3]
    # Columbus Taylor (b 1994) B D
    # Cassius Taylor (b 1996) B D
    # Eloise Taylor (b 2003) B D
    # Estella Taylor (b 2004) B D
    HRH Prince Michael of Kent (b 1942) XM / D
    # The Lord Frederick Windsor (b 1979) B D
    # The Lady Gabriella Windsor (b 1981) B
    # HRH Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy (b 1936) B
    # James Ogilvy (b 1964) W
    # Alexander Ogilvy (b 1996) W
    # Flora Ogilvy (b 1994) W
    # Marina Ogilvy (b 1966) W
    # Christian Mowatt (b 1993) W
    # Zenouska Mowatt (b 1990) W
    George V ? Mary, Princess Royal (1897–1965)
    # The Earl of Harewood (George Lascelles, b 1923) W
    # Viscount Lascelles (David Lascelles, b 1950) H
    The Honourable Benjamin Lascelles (b 1978) XI / W [7]
    # The Honourable Alexander Lascelles (b 1980) H
    Leo Lascelles (b 2008) XI / T
    # The Honourable Edward Lascelles (b 1982) H
    The Honourable Emily Shard (b 1976) and her descendants XI W [7]
    # The Honourable James Lascelles (b 1953) H
    # Rowan Lascelles (b 1977) XI / W
    # Tewa Lascelles (b 1985) H
    # Sophie Lascelles (b 1973) H
    Tanit Lascelles (b 1981) XI / W [7]
    # The Honourable Jeremy Lascelles (b 1955) H
    # Thomas Lascelles (b 1982) H
    # Ellen Lascelles (b 1984) H
    # Amy Lascelles (b 1986) W
    # Tallulah Lascelles (b 2005) W
    The Honourable Mark Lascelles (b 1964) and his descendants XI / W [7]
    The Honourable Gerald Lascelles (1924–1998)
    # Henry Lascelles (b 1953) W
    # Maximilian Lascelles (b 1991) R
    Martin Lascelles (b 1962) and his descendants XI / W [7]
    The preceding are all descended from King George V
    Louise, Princess Royal (1867–1931) ? Princess Maud (1893–1945)
    # The Duke of Fife (James Carnegie, b 1929) W
    # Earl of Southesk (David Carnegie, b 1961) W
    # Lord Carnegie (Charles Carnegie, b 1989) W
    # The Honourable George William Carnegie (b 1991) W
    # The Honourable Hugh Alexander Carnegie (b 1993) W
    # Lady Alexandra Etherington(b 1959) W
    # Amelia Etherington (b 2001) W
    Maud of Wales, Queen of Norway (1869–1938) ? King Olav V of Norway (1903–1991)
    HM King Harald V of Norway
    # HM The King of Norway (Harald, b 1937) W
    # HRH The Crown Prince of Norway (Haakon, b 1973) W
    # HH Prince Sverre Magnus of Norway (b 2005) W
    # HRH Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway (b 2004) W
    # HH Princess M?rtha Louise of Norway (b 1971) W
    # Maud Angelica Behn (b 2003) W
    # Leah Isadora Behn (b 2005) W
    # Emma Tallulah Behn (b 2008) W
    # HH Princess Ragnhild of Norway, Mrs. Lorentzen (b 1930) W
    Haakon Lorentzen (b 1954) XM / W
    # Olav Lorentzen (b 1985) W
    # Christian Lorentzen (b 1988) W
    # Sophia Lorentzen (b 1994) W
    Ingeborg Ribeiro (b 1957) XM / W
    # Victoria Ribeiro (b 1988) W
    Ragnhild Long (b 1968) XM / W
    Alexandra Long (b 2007) XP / W
    # HH Princess Astrid of Norway, Mrs. Ferner (b 1932) W
    # Alexander Ferner (b 1965) W
    Edward Ferner (b 1996) XI / W
    # Stella Ferner (b 1998) W
    # Carl-Christian Ferner (b 1972) W
    # Cathrine Johansen (b 1962) W
    # Sebastian Johansen (b 1990) W
    # Madeleine Johansen (b 1993) W
    # Benedikte Stange (b 1963) W
    # Elisabeth Beckman (b 1969) W
    # Benjamin Beckman (b 1999) W
    Leeroy, Duke of Florida (b 1970) w

    thats all

    No, I added on on the bottom, for kicks

    Hahahaha, that's funny. You have a better shot at being President.

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