Bit of an interesting read here..Will he be remembered for this?????>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
6 Answers
He did a great job of keeping the economy down, making more people rely on government, creating more opportunities for muslims in science. That last statement was his own words, not mine. What a true american idol.
6 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
so I c&p’d it. Too much to write. Argue though you may, you must admit it did whatever with grace, enunciation, charm, and manners. He did not make up words either.
6 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
It depends who replies. For me, he set back race relations, undermined America as a world leader, disparaged our military and crippled their effectiveness, cost "regular" people far too much in mandated health insurance, created the immigration problem of "the dreamers", and allowed ISIS to grow unchecked. Behind the scenes, he tried to sabotage the Trump candidacy and election, and was disrespectful of the American flag, a symbol that represents every citizen who resides in the US by virtue of the 50 stars.
It will be a happy day when this traitorous sham of a President is unmasked for the sleazebag he is, arrested, tried, convicted, and incarcerated for treason, collusion, subversion, and inciting riots.
6 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
I don't like him, or his wife, for that matter.
I think he did better than I would have expected given the complete opposition of the righties. I would vote for him again in a heartbeat. I see through right wing trash talk and completely ignore it. This "thing" that is the current resident is a liar, crook, corrupt, sociopath. I will love it when herr gropenfuhrer is impeached for crimes against the country and I will relish the tears of the righty extremist when they come.
6 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Conservatives had no voice.
Obama made his own rules, many of which he had no authority to make. Now, the left thinks 3+ million illegals should be granted amnesty with no vetting.
You and your "friends" can insult and disparage President Trump all you (pl) want, but the USA is going in a positive direction, in spite of the liberal media, Democrats, and folks who can't stand his success.