    Canada to copy Aussie bills..good idea or not..????????????????? Image result for aussie banknotes photos               

    +4  Views: 1453 Answers: 4 Posted: 7 years ago

    4 Answers

    Scotland have already got a few polymer notes, £5 £10 & £20 so far, they are fazing them in gradually, more to follow soon I hear.....



    terryfossil 1

    There a quite a few countries adopting the polymer notes Roy,and they keep adding more security each time..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    You are ahead of us Roy, we only have £5 & £10 notes made from Polymer at the moment.

    Clydesdale bank do them Dave, Scotland try to keep ahead of you guys South of the border mate.

    The article you referenced was not available. :-(

    Replacing currency is expensive. What purpose prompted the change?

    terryfossil 1

    I think Canada has already adopted it Bob,,try this link Bob,the original link i put up would not open for me either,do not know why..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Is the link a secret Terry?
    terryfossil 1

    So sorry guys,the first link did not work and i forgot to put the second link up,so here it is,,@ BOB the purpose was counterfeiting ..@ Romos,,not a secret anymore mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<.. Canada had the highest rate of counterfeiting before adopting the polymer note, it reached a peak of 470ppm in 2004 and stayed high until the release of their polymer banknotes in 2011. Their rate is now around 10ppm. >>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    Very interesting!!

    I tried three times to open the link but oops! Changing the currency is a long, long task task to accomplish I would imagine. If your present cotton bills wear out too fast then I don’t imagine the switch to take effect would be all that long. I just know our paper money is made from cotton, by products and linen. Stuff last forever. Start saving the old money, someday it’ll be worth more then face value (if you live that long)......

    "Canada to copy Aussie bills?" When is that supposed to take place? Do tell.

    2011 - Canada put the $100.00 polymer bill into circulation.

    2012 - Canada put the $20.00 and $50.00 polymer bills into circulation.

    2013 - Canada put the $5.00 and $10.00 polymer bills into circulation.

    (We started this process 7 years ago. Old news to us Canadians! We also got rid of the penny about a decade ago.)   :)))

    terryfossil 1

    New news to us Quacker,we got rid of the penny in 1966 and invented the polymer note in 1988..only took you guys 23 years to adopt the polymer note..Modern polymer banknotes were first developed by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and The University of Melbourne. They were first issued as currency in Australia during 1988 (coinciding with Australia's bicentennial year).
    Polymer banknote - Wikipedia>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I wasn't speaking about WHO started it nor WHEN. I know that Canada was not the first to do so. Your headline is misleading. I thought you meant we were going to put it into effect any minute.
    Incidentally, why would it NOT be a good idea?
    terryfossil 1

    A few countries tried to bring in a slightly different version of the polymer note that was not successful..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I guess the Aussies and Canucks did it right. :)

    SCOTLAND, we invent everything!!!!
    terryfossil 1 can lay claim to the KILT young mate,that oughta do ya..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    terryfossil 1

    @Quacker,,spot on little girl..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    If it wasn't for us Scots the World would be a lot less interesting....

    (Look under Sport and Entertainment and you athletes can understand how really fortunate you are.) :)
    terryfossil 1

    Having looked at the Scottish and Canadian and Aussie inventions..i think we have ALL had some pretty smart inventors in our countries,,Wadda ya reckon guys and gals..>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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