Curious. Why should they have stopped at two?
11 Answers
The British Monarchy have always tried to have several or more Prince's and Princess's, at least one would be in line for the throne if the unthinkable happened - the baby as yet unborn will be fifth in line.
if any thing drastic should happen,at least one will be in line for the throne
7 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
congrats I suppose. Why not six children. That's what I always wanted. My mother had five and I can't imagine going without any of them. Losing two is a sad reminder of the fact. I think the babies are too close together but pooh. I'm just a commoner...
7 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

I thought the timing was perfect. They'll all be two years apart I believe. Nice little family.
My mom had a kid in college, a kid in high school, a kid in jr high, a kid in elementary, and a kid in kindergarten. For a while, she drank....
She needs to produce an heir and a spare.........like Princess Diana did.
7 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

Princess Charlotte is the (spare) heir. She's fourth in line to the throne following after her brother George.
Good read with pictures here (enjoy)>>http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/kate-middleton/11484034/family-tree-sucession.html
Good read with pictures here (enjoy)>>http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/kate-middleton/11484034/family-tree-sucession.html
3 is the perfect number guys,,we have always said,you have 2 to replace yourselves and 1 for your country..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
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