    Mcgregor Who..????????

    All mouth,tatts,no fitness,take his guns off him and he is simply another uncouth loudmouth,,Mayweather gave him a 3 round start,then stopped him in the 10th..was not even capable of going the 12 rounds,,did i read this wrong ,,what do you guys think..????????..>>>>>>><<<<<<<

    +4  Views: 1477 Answers: 4 Posted: 7 years ago

    4 Answers

    Supreme boxer against a ??????????

    Wait a wee minute, I can't think of a superlative to give to McGregor, he never stood a chance, if I was a gambling man I could've made a few shekels at my work, most of the young guys fancied the LOSER.

    terryfossil 1

    He was gone by round 6 Roy..he goes back to cage fighting,now everyone knows if they can stay with him to round 6..HE GONE..what sorta fighter cannot go 6 rounds..>??????..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Bit different when you can also kick your opponent, he's a big guy, likes to bully his rivals, he'll stick to cage fighting now methinks. >>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    ....he lasted longer than I thought he would.

    It was "Pay For View" and i wasn't going to pay to watch a stupid fight. I didn't know who won til I read your post. But I did hear the remarks made by the boys and figured that the cracker didn't stand a chance......


    Oops Julie, are you OK, you hit the button too many times.
    country bumpkin

    I fixed it. 29 times. Good grief. LOL

    I can't guess how that happened. It's like I just tapped and tapped which I didn't. iPad, go figure....
    country bumpkin

    @ Julie
    akaQA has been acting up all day. It has been very slow allowing answers to go through, If we click our answer, it is taking about 45 seconds to post and it looks as if nothing is happening, but it is just slow in posting.

    Or posting and posting and posting.....

    Mine wasn't slow it just posted and posted and posted....

    There I was thinking you may have had one too many whiskies Julie.

    Yea he was all mouth, and no substance.

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