    RIP Brucie

    Bruce Forsyth. One of the best  entertainers of all time. He'll be having a few laughs , and a few rounds of golf, with his old friend Ronnie Corbit. 

    +5  Views: 1191 Answers: 4 Posted: 7 years ago

    4 Answers

    ....God bless and keep him, family and friends 

    I wasn't one of his biggest fans but the man sure made watchable TV shows.

    RIP BRUCIE....................................






    Not familiar. Im missing something aren't I? Please hang while I google him......   Found him! Wow, a Guinness personality! His death will be akin to us losing Bob Barker (Still with us). The man apparently was welcomed in many homes. People all over are mourning a part of their family. Bless and thank him....


    Bruce Forsyth was one of the best, he came from a working class background. He started off in the 1930s I believe as a 14 year old song an dance act. He came into television in 1959 and never looked back , he went on and on to the top. He was a comedian, great dancer , jazz pianist, game show host. He was a genuinely nice person, on stage and off, there will never be another Brucie.

    He sure attracted the women too Dave, Anthea and a Miss World.

    He looks a lot like Ian Chapple..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..Image result for ian chapple photos

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