8 Answers
I heard it said that no kitchen is big enough for two women.
My step -daughter always had her mother -in -law living with them and she was supposed to stay in her in- laws quarters attached to the house. But, she was always in Alida's face in the kitchen and telling them how to do their landscaping and how to raise e their kids and she ruined their marriage.
7 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
It only works in this household if one is washing the dishes and the other is drying the dishes.
7 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

False. We often have two or three women in the kitchen and one man... it all works out well especially on our International Christmas Eve. This year we are celebrating Bulgaria. ... We have done Spain, Greece, Germany and England.
We vote on the country to celebrate on Christmas Eve for the upcoming year. It is hilarious and special.
7 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
I kind of wish you were related to me. It's a lot of fun and no one can make coffee the wrong way. :)... we have a selection of coffee makers!
my wife prefers to have control of the kitchen..maybe she believes the old saying,,"to many cooks spoil the broth"..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
7 years ago. Rating: 4 | |