    Is it true that Americans don't use electric kettles, egg cups or Marmite?

    How can you live without these products?

    +3  Views: 1271 Answers: 5 Posted: 7 years ago

    5 Answers

    I can reliably inform you that steam irons are pretty scarce too.



    About a month ago, I bought a new steam iron and today, I bought a new electric kettle. (I guess it's because I'm Canadian?)

    Because you are my Sis, I love ironing, always nice creases on my shirts etc etc.';)

    Oh that's it....of course. :)

    I'd guess that's from your days in the Royal Navy Roy. My oldest brother was in the Royal Navy , he was always ironing his own clothes, trousers with a crease for each of the seven seas, shoes shined to a high gloss. the hat was always whitened with a special white liquid. The polished shoe part rubbed off on me a lot, but the ironing I'm not very good at.

    I don't recall ever seeing an electric kettle in anyone's kitchen while growing up in the USA.. Stove top coffee percolators and electric coffee makers are as abundant in a USA kitchen as an electric water kettle in a UK kitchen.

    Roy has a couple of eggs cups, but we have not used them. I want to try them with toasted soldiers.The local HEB where I lived in Texas sold Marmite. I'm sure other places sell it too, but I have never seen it in any USA home that I visited.


    What on earth is a toasted soldier? lol
    country bumpkin

    Toast cut in to strips and then dipped in the egg cups. I was not familiar with the name toasted soldiers before I moved to the UK. I still don't understand why such a name is given to the strips of toast.

    It's good to learn something new every day. Thanks.
    country bumpkin

    Looks like a toasted soldier can refer to more than toast. Roy said toast is the main soldier. LOL

    Can't eat most of that and anyway, it's too much work for very little reward. lol

    ....true except for the electric Keurig (coffee, tea and hot chocolate)

    ....we do quite handsomely 

    ....just finished my second cup of hazelnut coffee

    I'm one of the few people that use an egg cup b/c my parents always did. it's getting hard to find one. You boil the egg , then cut off the upper part; then put the lower part in an cup and take a spoon and scoop it out and eat it. Then, you scoop out the upper 1/4 0r third and eat that separately . It helps if you put butter and salt and pepper on it. I'm getting hungry now thinking about it. 

    What is Marmite ? 


    Or cut your toast or just buttered bread into soldiers, and dip them in the egg. Delicious ,

    I also own a Kerrigan, use it 3-5 times a day. I've heard of electric kettles because I read. Saw my first vegimite when a friend in Australia mailed me some. Ick


    Vegimite is not Marmite, both are an acquired taste though.
    terryfossil 1

    Roy,VegEmite and cheese and lettuce on toast is GREAT..and yes marmite fails to insignificance to the mighty Vegemite..:):):)>>>>>>><<<<<<..

    Marmite, you either like or hate, Julie. I can't stand it .

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