5 Answers
I can reliably inform you that steam irons are pretty scarce too.
7 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

I don't recall ever seeing an electric kettle in anyone's kitchen while growing up in the USA.. Stove top coffee percolators and electric coffee makers are as abundant in a USA kitchen as an electric water kettle in a UK kitchen.
Roy has a couple of eggs cups, but we have not used them. I want to try them with toasted soldiers.The local HEB where I lived in Texas sold Marmite. I'm sure other places sell it too, but I have never seen it in any USA home that I visited.
7 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

I'm one of the few people that use an egg cup b/c my parents always did. it's getting hard to find one. You boil the egg , then cut off the upper part; then put the lower part in an cup and take a spoon and scoop it out and eat it. Then, you scoop out the upper 1/4 0r third and eat that separately . It helps if you put butter and salt and pepper on it. I'm getting hungry now thinking about it.
What is Marmite ?
7 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
I also own a Kerrigan, use it 3-5 times a day. I've heard of electric kettles because I read. Saw my first vegimite when a friend in Australia mailed me some. Ick
7 years ago. Rating: 1 | |