    In light of the dangers, especially in the U.S., how would you react if your child wanted to be a police officer?

    +6  Views: 1715 Answers: 11 Posted: 7 years ago
    Tags: police

    11 Answers

    I would be very unhappy about that choice. To me, it would mean daily worry that s/he might not make it home alive! I don't even understand how the police forces are able to recruit these days.

    I'd be like .... put this on child !!!!!!!!

    Image result for body armour

    Oh, gosh. It would depend on my child, his personality. A cop? Does he just want to shoot bad guys? To shoot ANYBODY? Is my son secure or does he want to prove how tough he is is? Is he without prejudice? Does he really, really want the job or is it a passing fancy? I would have a long talk with him and make sure he knows what law enforcement entails. I'd pressure but in the end, it's up to him....

    I just spoke to a lady this week at a Mexican restaurant that I go to all the time. she said her son was 6 feet 4 and wants to be a policeman. she said she is worry because many people are against policemen and he would be a target.  I told her we need good policemen, and that it's just in us what we desire to become. True I think I would worry if a kid of mine were a policeman or woman, but in this world you have to worry if they leave home and make it back safely from any job. I say let people do what they love.


    Not in the USA this this day and time. My son used to be a Virginia State Police  years ago and I was proud of him. I'm glad he is not one this day and time. He left because the money wasn't worth the dangers they faced out there.

    terryfossil 1

    I doubt the money was ever worth the dangers they faced..but going back in time,cops did it because they wanted to make a difference Spacey..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I would sit him or her down,put a megaphone 6 inches from their ears and yell as loud as i could..NOOOOOOOOO..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    terryfossil 1

    Glad you asked Roy,respect for cops in USA is not at an all time high,,respect for cops in Aussie is not what it used to be either..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I know a couple who's granddaughter became a police officer in Dearborn , Michigan. They're very happy for her b/c she loves it. She is very short and petite.


    Has she ever caught a "cat" burglar?

    In today's society police are needed, but they need protective equipment against bullets and knives, and cameras to record evidence both against the bad guys and in case of possible charges against them.

    I wouldn't be very keen for them to do that job in America, but I wouldn't try and stop them, if that is what they wanted. It wouldn't be so dangerous here in the UK.

    That was what I wanted to do when I was about to leave school, but my brother said he would never speak to me again.  As it turned out I'm colour blind, so they wouldn't take me. 

    I'ts their choice, not all police are corrupt and gang - ho, no matter what country they are policing, my state police have to under take physiology test, relatives with criminal records is a no go plus other assessments including racism. -- the under-  desired officer still managers to get through.

    terryfossil 1

    G'day Kent,i think the Aussie cop is a bit better trained than the American cop,,even so the respect for the Aussie cop is not what it used to be..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    They are tested here also but my concern is not "corrupt cops". My concern is the extreme danger of the job!

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