    To help or not to help..???

    If you seen a blind man walking towards a cliff and certain death,,would you race over to save him from death or mind your own business...and if you believed your belief in God would save people from an eternal spiritual death,,would you race out and tell people..or mind your own business..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    +5  Views: 1950 Answers: 8 Posted: 7 years ago

    8 Answers

    Definitely try to stop the blind guy from stumbling over the cliff, aggressively, but more reserved with sharing faith. 

    I understand the end result is the same, saving someone. 

    terryfossil 1

    Fair answer Bob,but there is a bit of a difference saving someone from a physical death compared from helping to save someone from a spiritual death..What do you think Bob..????..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    No disagreement from me, Terry. The need for the blind guy is obvious and immediate, whereas we don't want to be aggressive and forceful when telling someone about our faith, as that is mistook as being a lecture or ultimatum.
    Planting the seed, and being helpful over dictatorial in faith, are good starting points. Too many people preach with impulsive enthusiasm (remember Headless Randy) without substance. Others aloofly sprinkle piety into every comment. Neither are effective in sparking interest in learning more.
    In the end, yes to both parts of your question, though the second has to appeal intellectually.
    terryfossil 1

    Randy sounds a bit like what we used to call super spiritual,,they sound all gooye and the world is perfect,,not a good place to be when talking to somebody who has only questions,,as the book says,"the new convert should be fed milk,not steak.."i find those words worth understanding,,also"be all things to all men",,in other words when talking to a drunk,reach down to pull him up,do not get down into his world to push him up..>>>>>>>><<<<<<..

    Very observant!
    Enthusiasm is a key for me, but intelligent enthusiasm. Randy was enthusiastic, but was not convincing. The people who live their faith are more influential than those who just throw it in my face. Salvation is not owed to me, so, if I believe in Christ, the path is pretty well defined.
    terryfossil 1

    Apparently so Bob,it is not owed to you,but it IS free of charge if it is excepted..that is my understanding Bob..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    "Free", not really. I don't feel right accepting such a gift without making a sincere, continuous effort to follow His teachings.
    terryfossil 1

    You called it a gift Bob,gifts are free,however i do know what you mean..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I would stop the blind man. I do understand what you are getting at but I am quite conservative about 'sharing' Christianity without first being asked what I believe. I've seen bad results when people offer unsolicited advice, especially about Heaven and Hell. I also remember how I felt when someone first tried to "cram it down MY throat".  I'm glad it finally sunk in though.     :)

    terryfossil 1

    I like your answer Duck,you cannot help someone if you try to cram it down their throat..or as JH said lecture,,the person you talk to has to be open to the conversation..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    I can not tell you what I would do if I was in the situation with the blind man. The scenario would have to play out to see what becomes of it.

    I tried many times to explain to people I care about and love, what they need to do to be saved but the devil obviously has a strong hold on them because no one will listen to me. I gave up trying approx 6 years ago.

    terryfossil 1

    When you talk to someone about it CB,you are only planting the seed,,someone else may germinate the seed, family are the hardest to get to understand what you are saying,,God turned my life 180 Degrees around,people who knew me best could see the difference of before and after,,did not want to know about it..however i did plant the seed,,i do not know how the story ended for all of them..should i ever bump into any of them again,i will try to water the seed,,and leave the rest to God,,All the best CB..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Maybe it's telling others what they need to do versus telling people what you needed to do and how your life has changed.
    Most of us turn away from being told what we need to do, where "this has been a good path for me" can open someone's mind to listen.
    country bumpkin

    I tell them what the Bible say's to do and the same rules apply to all. The problem is all the denominational churches subtracting or adding to the written word, skewing the written word, or making up stuff to satisfy their own selfish needs.

    I don't doubt that. There are countless ways to interpret the Bible, though, and I'm suggesting that leading by example and being open to discussion and interpretation can be helpful. When I try to give advice or instruction to my sons, I can't say, "you need to", because they think I'm being bossy. If I say, "you might consider", or "this worked for me" they are more open to what I'm saying.

    Whoa, a two parter question. Number one, I'd risk my own life to save the guy. And number two, I believe what I believe and will share if invited. I would never presume to lecture a nonbel......


    Good answer J.

    Tks R, means a lot coming from you.....
    terryfossil 1

    Fair answer JH, in the one instance you would forcefully attempt to save the blind guy from certain death,in the other instance depending on whether you believed in heaven and hell,you would more gently speak to the person if they were open to conversation,is that what you mean..????..>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Are you encouraging a wee bit preaching mate?

    I have my beliefs absolutely. If you're interested, I'll share and see to it that you end up thinking the same way....
    terryfossil 1

    Roy???,are we not conversing on a question and answer piece,,i am not preaching,i am asking what others think,if some think similiar to me or me to them,,so be it...does it bother you a bit mate,,???i am not targeting anybody..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    terryfossil 1

    JH,i am always open to discussion and debate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<..

    Not here

     I would holler, "stop stop.  don't walk." and try to get help also. I would not put my hands on him. he might accident take me with him over the cliff.

    terryfossil 1

    Tab,what about the rest of the question,??????>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I would race out and tell people. that's what I do everyday.
    terryfossil 1

    But only if they wanted to listen..???..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    terryfossil 1, if they don't want to listen, talk to the next person.
    terryfossil 1

    TU Tab..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    ....serve God's Will and love thy neighbor 

    terryfossil 1

    C'mon Benny, you are pussy footing around the question,,i am sure you can do better..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    Benthere means yes

    Moment by moment ,one by one ,l will teach inform all that are open to listen, learn,continue the work to Advance and Transform 



    Huh?? Even though I think I understand what you're saying, you're making it a little complicated, don't you think?
    terryfossil 1

    I am with the Quacker Ed,i think i understand what you say,,it is a bit deep,and only someone who already believes would understand..anyway,welcome to the site and i hope you have more input..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I would race over NEAR him and holler STOP. I would not get close enough for him to pull me over with him.

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