    How did you spend your Father's Day?

    +5  Views: 1474 Answers: 9 Posted: 7 years ago
    country bumpkin

    This was the first Father's Day since your husband passed on? I hope you were able to celebrate good memories of him. :)

    9 Answers

    Roy and I sat around the house and chilled most of the day.

    I broke out our new bucket grill (lol) and cooked a couple of steaks and salmon. 


    A nice day for sure.

    What could be better, glad you had a great day.

    We went to my mate's daughter's house for a cookout! This is a new house for them so it was my first visit there! It sure is out in the country!  Saw lots of deer on the way home!


    Sat in the garden, drank a couple of bears,then we had a barbecue, and a bottle of chilled white wine,  it was about 25c, so pretty hot for here. 

    I am glad other people enjoyed it,for me .it came and it went,just another day..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..


    are you a father, Terry ?
    terryfossil 1

    My wife has 2 kids,grown up,i came into their family when they were 11 and 13 years old,i have one of my own from back when i was 18.never seen him,only know his mother called him Terry..the glories of a misspent youth MCM ..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    ....quietly , after tennis

    (0800) Bowled poorly in team event, back to hotel to nap, then 200+ mile drive from San Raphael home, across Oakland/SR bridge. Temperature varied from 75f to 107f.

    Enjoyed a quiet evening at home. 

    My sig other's daughters took him ( and me ) to Texas Roadhouse the day before Father's Day. Then, unfortunately , on Father's Day, I had to go to my g.friend's funeral. She was only 43.   :'-( 


    Are Sunday funerals common where you live?

    not really. A lot of people were surprised it was on a Sunday. But,my husb was laid out on Easter Day in 2000.

    I'm at a friend's funeral tomorrow afternoon. :-(

    With a cripple and three cats. I worked outside. Sundays are our watering days. Oh, boy! I live!!!!

    Daughter and son-in-law were down, grilled chicken, corn, and vegies, and drank a Canadian beer topped off by strawberry-rhubard pie and ice cream!

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