    When are people gonna get sick of goody two shoes..

    I am sick of politicians and low life goody two shoes who after any terrorist attack give us all the sorry sorry sorry sugar bulls**t for all the dead and injured people,but attack the source of the murderers and you will be labeled a racist.ASK THE DEAD PEOPLE WHAT THEY THINK..I just finished speaking to a English grandmother an hour ago in Singapore,she said her grandaughter called her a racist because she voted for Brexit..and at the apex of the braindead,her son is married to a Singaporean,and she gets on very well with her..they have not yet said whether the killer is a muslim or christian or mormon,my guess is muslim,would guess that way because i am racist,NO it is because, "All muslims are not terrorists,but most terrorists are all the goody two shoes out there can call me racist,but DON'T call me racist until you have asked the DEAD what they think..i am not sorry for the rant,but if it is not me,it should be a lot of somebody else"s. Signed,,,,,,had enough of the bull***t..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    +7  Views: 1729 Answers: 5 Posted: 7 years ago

    Don't worry Terry, be like me, i/m not a racist, i hate every body. LOL.
    terryfossil 1

    Hating people is pretty useless unless you can do something about it old mate..though i am not very good at taking my own advice on this subject..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    I am just watching the Sky News report this morning, they have just had an ex soldier on ex SAS, he said, and I agree with him , that anyone who has knowingly been involved with Isis or been radicalised by Islam should be arrested. If they were born here they should be jailed, and if not they should be sent back to where they were born. The news reader then said oh, you can't say things like that, you can't lock people up like that. The ex soldier's answer was, ask the parents of the children that have been murdered or maimed by this most recent evil murderer, ask them how they feel . The point is , he was known to the security services, and had he been locked up, this attack would not have happened.
    terryfossil 1

    A man after my own heart Sunny,it is time some honest straight talk got done instead of all this gobbily gook bulldung,let a man be judged on his words and action..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    5 Answers

    You are most likely correct in your suspicion of "who", which tells us "why", but let's get the facts.

    Yes, the rhetoric is ineffective.

    terryfossil 1

    The facts Bob,my guess is the facts may turn out to be the same as the rest..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    The news I've heard is that ISIS takes the blame for this unforgivable act.

    The evil creature who committed these murders was known by the intelligence services here and in America. It beats me how they are allowed to travel around the world in freedom, when they are know to be part of the Isis group. They are saying we have over 400 here known to have returned from Syria where they have been fighting with Isis. They should not be allowed to return, they could be stopped from entering any country.

    Not here, Sunny. We seem to have radical liberals fighting tooth and nail to eliminate any semblance of prudent immigration practices.
    It's disgusting and just plain stupid
    terryfossil 1

    i do not think anybody is surprised by the facts we now have Bob..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..i think in Aussie we are stripping them of their passport..

    And here, you have a serious nutcase population who can't see that the forest IS the trees.
    terryfossil 1

    You are spot on the money Bob,however until political correctness is thrown into the garbage bin and a spade is called a spade,and we debate the fact that the terrorists that do these assassinations are from a muslim belief,but nobody wants to openly debate why not all muslims believe in the same book even though they all have the same book,even on this site people are frightened to use the word muslim in case they get labeled a racist.freedom of speech even in print is gagged..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    ....all will receive justice in due time

    terryfossil 1

    That is not the comforting words i would be offering the family's of the deceased right now Benny..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    You are right Terry, we have heard all day how not all muslims are terrorists . But in my opinion any who support the murder of other humans are not fit to be on his earth , if that makes me a racist ,I don't care.


    terryfossil 1

    If your a racist then so am i mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    That calls into question the death penalty, according to some (not me). A rational person has connected the dots by now and "concedes" radical terrorists claiming to be of Islamic faith are a threat to just about everybody nearly everywhere.

    Unfortunately a suicide bomber would not be deterred by capital punishment.

    terryfossil 1

    @ Bulletman, Excatly right old mate..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<


    Like I keep saying these muslim extremists want you dead because you don't believe in their religion. It will continue until they are all dead. Start now looking around your neighborhood for people that might stick out of normal. If you see something even a little suspicious report it to local police. . Its so important that even police authority have contacted gang members to inform them about muslim extremists might be in a certain area and to report it. Gangs will not tolerate this in any way around them . 

    terryfossil 1

    You got my vote Zorro..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..TU.

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