    You have any advice for President Donald Trump ?

    +7  Views: 2679 Answers: 11 Posted: 7 years ago

    11 Answers

    Do something to impress me like admitting mistakes, read the newspaper and instead of screaming so unprofessionally, admit your faults. Become a human being. LISTEN to all sides. Let all men be my superior so that I may learn from them.....

    Close mouth! Open ears! Look inward! Stop blaming!


    How about, when people shoot barbs at you, "just DUCK!"

    people blame him on everything........

    Stop talking?


    Gun control, get it done, and get it done NOW, get RID of the 2nd Amendment!!!!!!






    Mental health is a World problem, try to cure that......but for goodness sake.......don't give those poor people access to guns, or cars, or bricks, or knives, or, or, or, or,...............................


    or alchohol, or street drugs .
    terryfossil 1

    I think he may be about to try and do something Roy..time will tell how much he is allowed to try and do..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    NO CHANCE Terry! Sad, and more than likely true.

    Keep your hands in your pockets when you are talking and get a haircut.:)


    you'd think he was Italian . And having been married to an Italian man, I can say that.

    Keep on saying it how it is, be honest,  don't let the press and the leftie liberals destroy  you , that's what they are out to do.

    Yes, and it's the same advice, (actually a plea) that he trounce the gun lobby and do whatever he can to keep assault weapons out of the hands of the general public. There are tears streaming down my face as I type this. I have never seen such an impassioned plea anywhere! I have a son who goes to school in a state with a long and storied gun culture, an "open carry" state. I'm terrified for his safety as well as for others Trump called for "mental health action", which is great, but these weapons must be banned. Unfortunately,  it will not happen during his administration. I hope he has seen this video. It's not, in any way, vulgar or obscene, only "heart-wrenching". It's a from the mother of one of the  murdered students. Warning: It's for those with "very strong stomachs."

    don't cut so many things and kill so many jobs that you are seeking to create. Listen to people and smart people like tony robbins, who is a great communicator, like yourself. listen to your daughter, ivanka. hopefully we can get a great legacy from the trumps and have a positive legacy for the kids to run things. if things don't work well people will write a bad legacy for the trump name. try to keep peace and verbally negotiate with north korea and other countries. stop bomb dropping and no no no nuclear bombs on anybody. good luck!!!

    Get out of this current mess, (The F.B.I. fiasco).  Make a concerned effort to stop the, "Us against Them" and restore some kind of credibility for the government of the United States globally.  Oh yes, stop inviting wing nut and suspicious leaders to the White House for secret meetings.  It is really making you look very guilty of what-ever-the heck. 

    Don't build that wall.  Employ people instead to monitor the situation such as the Coast Guard and Boarder Patrol.  Employment goes a lot further regarding economy than building something that only looks and is, in fact, completely offensive then ultimately brings no revenue back to your country except for minor repairs conducted by a small team of qualified workers.  Think of the Income Tax... it's a beautiful thing.  :)  (Joking Bobette)

    Find an off camera job for Kellyanne Conway because now it's becoming completely unfair.  Obviously the script she is given at any point in time is not current when she arrives on camera for an interview. ... And, please, please find a respectable job for Sean Spicer... the media rips that poor guy apart almost daily. 

    Above all else, be accountable.  That is your job over and above anything else.  Accountability is the most important thing... do that and the people of your country will rally behind you.  Twitter and spinning the truth aside... everyone will rally behind you if you prove that you are actually accountable.  The crazy making will stop on both sides of the aisle. 




    Build the wall. 

    Surround yourself with honesty and integrity.

    Don't give the "media" the satisfaction of acknowledging their fabrications.

    Stop tweeting and seek advice from your advisors before speaking in public.

    Nope,he seems to be doing okay..however getting the truth from either side is a bit awkward,some things do not change,democrats still trying to bring him down instead of trying to run the country with him..they will probably go back to the women since they lost the support of the Russians..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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