    Beatles Sergeant Pepper Album, released 50 years ago. Do you remember it?

    I remember it; I was studying for my final exams, I had no money to buy it nor anything to play it on, and my girlfriend got pregnant somehow.

    +7  Views: 763 Answers: 6 Posted: 7 years ago
    Tags: nostalgia.

    50 years,. make me feel old.

    6 Answers

    Have it, love it, can sing every song on the album (lie, I can't"carry a tune'), and still play my copy every blue moon or so it seems.....

    Do i ever, have the double album vinyl complete with the cut-outs inside, and the cd of course, had the privileged of seeing them live when they performed here in Adelaide, Sth. Australia on their 1964 World Tour.            ;)


    Sure it's not North Aussie Kent?
    terryfossil 1

    Be nice Roy Boy,Kent is a proud South Aussie and i am a proud North Aussie,,Big difference,Kent is a Croweater and i am a Cane Toad..:):):):):):)..And yes mate,i did not miss your meaning..

    I must be getting a little slow.I don't get it.Adelaide is further North than Melbourne contrary to popular belief but it's still South aust.Guess I'll just go back to bed & sleep on it for a while.
    BTW,You could never mistake a crow eater for a Queenslander.We talk differently for a start.Something we from the North are reknowned for is our disdinctive accent.Hey Terry?
    terryfossil 1

    On the money Tommy..i do not like to split Aussies up,but i gotta side with a QUEENSLANDER..>>>>>>>><<<<<<..

    I was never a Beatles fan, only had two posters on my wall, great record though (note I never said "album"), lots of good tunes there! sophomore year in college 

    Yes, they were popular in the U.S. 

    I am an Elvis Presley man,I do like some of the early Beatles,,but that is about it..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..i could never understand all the screaming girls,,now you go see Bieber and you got screaming girls and blokes,,,(i simply shake my head )

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