6 Answers
Don't they normally have a 90 day consultation period before negotiations start?
Not a lot of thoughts on it as yet.
7 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
I don't think it is going to take 100 more days to insult us completely.embarrassing.
from what I heard on my radio and TV station shows today. Getting rid of NAFTA would hurt too many people and jobs. I don't care how many times President Trump changes his mind on things, as long as he keeps going in the direction of helping the populace, and not hurting societies. Looks like it could go either way.
7 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Canada buys a lot of product from United States every single day. Why on earth would any retailer chop their customer off at the knees? Makes not one spit of sense.
The last time I checked it was two billion dollars a day primarily in your favor.
Soft wood and Dairy are not part of NAFTA. Soft wood lumber amounts to 2% of our exports to United States and Dairy is at about .5% in a shady grey area because we have very specific guidelines.
7 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
NAFTA's Impact on U.S. Workers. The North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA) was the door through which American workers were shoved into the neoliberal global labor market. ... The vast majority of workers who lost jobs from NAFTA suffered a permanent loss of income. I do not know,but this bit of information does cause concern, unless Trump intends to insert a couple safety rules...>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..https://www.google.fr/search?q=nafta+countries&rlz=1C1SAVS_enAU547AU553&oq=nafta&aqs=chrome.5.69i57j0l2j69i60j0l2.13874j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
7 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Nine million Americans depend upon our health care. Canada employs Americans. Canada supports United States in so many ways it is absolutely ridiculous. They have no business beating us up on this subject.
It is actually sickening. They have had the win from the beginning.