    “Skin comes in different colors just like hair and eyes and every shade is beautiful.” Sums it up great, doesn't it?

    +4  Views: 1271 Answers: 6 Posted: 7 years ago

    6 Answers

    We are all part of the rainbow. No one part is greater than the others.

    ....Mark 10 : 15

    Great link and a valuable message.  This story is important in our world, over here in BC Land.  Thanks Clonge. 

    I volunteer five days a week.  Children really do see the world this way.  I feel blessed and thankful to be in a position to witness what inclusion really means.  Children just see the other really cool kid.  ... and, not just on a colour level, on an 'everything' level.  Sometimes they ask about colour of skin because it is different.  If it is explained in terms of pigment, they understand it right away and then get on not caring about skin that is not the same as their's.  ... Magic.  The world just became bigger. 






    You're welcome! I was wondering how children really see "fishees"? How many of them ever heard of "catch and release"?

    Yes they have heard of "catch and release". We live in the land of the salmon. In British Columbia we actually talk about fish a lot. About 10 blocks away from my home is a fish awareness center and trout hatchery. Children can go there to learn how to fish focusing on "catch and release" practices. Children also study First Nation's relationship with salmon and other wildlife. ... In grade two. Gotta Love the Fish! ... and don't forget to Free the Chickens!

    I watched a mini-documentary of life in Cleveland USA. It strikes me very hard that Canada, my parts of Canada are so very different that the most parts of United States. Canada and United States share a very big border. My child is given the gift of learning about fish and children in Cleveland unfortunately are given the gift of their siblings being shot on their way home from school. ... and today, thank goodness, my child is not a Syrian child.

    Thanks again for the link. A little brightness in the world is a beacon of light.

    Kids are innocent up to the age of seven,and then comes knowledge,and with knowledge comes judgement..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Stethoscope? At least it wasn't a gloved hand and a tube of Ky......


    How on earth would a child know about a gloved hand and Ky...... ?

    Honestly. It is not as if parents permit their children to get on the computer and look up anything at all that does not pertain to them when they are minors. ... Goodness me. Doctors are nice in 'kid world'. My son wants to be one as well, along with engineer, Lego genius and person who saves Rhinos from inevitable extinction. The colour of a person's skin does not compute. He's a great kid and so is that little girl. Gems in the Universe.

    Kids are color blind. But, I think she chose that doll, b/c it's a doctor. 


    Everyone should be colour blind when it pertains to human beings. You didn't comprehend all of her words.

    Yes, adults should, but unfortunately , in a lot of cases, it;'s mainly kids who are color blind to the color of peoples skin. We don't live in a perfect world.You don't comprehend all of my words.

    I probably don't and you are correct. The problem with writing in such small spaces and not actually knowing the person on the other end of the conversation is... we actually don't know the person on the other end of the conversation and we are not writers by trade.
    Being colour blind can be a blessing even when pertaining to art.

    One or two sentences is probably not a great representation of the entirety of your thoughts.

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