    Dylann Roof to die, how do you feel?

    Roof killed 9 people and has been sentenced to death. Any reactions?

    +5  Views: 1217 Answers: 9 Posted: 7 years ago
    Tags: mass murder

    What part of rule No.4 is being infringed?

    The photo of the noose is suggestive of violence.

    CB, what in blue blazers is rule no. 4?

    Comments, photos, cartoons that suggest violence are prohibited. Of course, taking jabs at a person's faith is perfectly OK.

    9 Answers

    I’m against the death penalty except in extreme cases; like when we know beyond a reasonable doubt that “he done it”. String  him up. One less pyscho in the world…….


    country bumpkin

    Please keep rule number 4 in mind when answering questions.
    Thank you. :)

    Some people are just unrepentant ... will never be rehabilitated ... will go on to kill again.

    Killing this guy will not reverse what he has done. It will not serve anyone any good not even the victims. However .... an eye for an eye comes to mind but you can only kill a killer once. I suppose the waiting will be a nightmare in itself. The guy condemned himself when he picked up that gun.


    Burden on the good taxpayers, may he rot in wherever!!!!

    He shall !

    Great! He should have black inmates at his prison and victims' family members beat him to death. The same goes for that nut from Baltimore who came up to New York, specifically to kill young black men. He was remorseful after killing a black man, but only after he found out that he was 66.

    country bumpkin

    Please keep rule number 4 in mind when answering questions.
    Thank you. :) in prison


    It will be that, until they execute him.

    If he'd committed this inexcusable act in Texas, he'd be at the front of the execution line. If he'd been in California, he'd have a suite next to Charles Manson.

    I like Texas for this one. 

    Another one taking up my oxygen.


    And mine!

    And space too .... space that someone who gives a hoot about life could take up!!

    when he gets the death penalty, it will prevent him from killing anyone else.

    Possibly if you reviewed your gun laws may be this would not have happened.


    Agreed bulletman, but slightly puzzled by your name. If no guns, why bullets?

    Nomdeplume, i wish i could a dollar every time this is asked, i love chocolate coated licorice called bullets, my mates call me Bulletman as a joke, nothing to do with ammunition, i am apposed to guns or any sort, as they are made for one thing only, to kill. :)

    An odd opinion,,as most of us are peace loving people,how come we are so fired up to kill a killer,does not that make us the same as a killer.....>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Better to exucute the guy now than to spend thousans of dollars keeping these low life's in prison----, that a bit harsh , you think.
    terryfossil 1

    Well it is about point of view and belief Kent,i believe when somebody dies they no longer have a chance to avoid everlasting hell or heaven,and there is a big difference between 70 or 80 years on earth and everlasting,,no man understands the word everlasting..however mate that is my opinion,and each to his own..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Terry when i said harsh i was referring to me.
    terryfossil 1

    Sorry mate i misunderstood,however it is still about point of view,if that is how you view life and death,then maybe not harsh..each to his own you old Crow Eater..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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