    Does anyone live near nuculear reactor? Do you have active sirens in case of a spill?

    +6  Views: 799 Answers: 9 Posted: 7 years ago
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    They test the siren the first Saturday every month. The sirens are within 7 miles of the plant. You can also get a free prescription for iodine pills in case of a spill

    Before 911 There would be craft shows, etc. at the plant Now! No way! We've never had spills or accidents there and The grounds are beautiful It is on the shores of Lake Michigan!

    9 Answers

    Nothing near us. 

    There is something nuclear in Livermore, CA. Not sure what it is, but I drive by there real quick when in that area.  I just read they are trying to shut all nuclear plants in California because of the earthquake faults. Scary thought. I think it's only a very few still operating here.

    No but when I was young, a siren let off for bomb raids every second Friday. Loud and a sound I will never forget. Imagine, having little kids ducking under their desk!


    We had to crouch under our desks too, every so often during what were called "Air Raid Tests". We were waiting to be bombed. Funny thing is, I don't ever remember being scared...just part of the school curriculum I guess.

    Davis besse is bout 45 miles Away. Sirens or alarms might be closer to it, but not around here.

    Nope, not around here.

    No, but isn't it funny that many people who support nuclear energy, would object if there was one "next door"?


    Yes it is funny. People also don't want the windmills either. In fact thaey don't want anything (next door)

    Good points.

    ....fortunately, no.

    No not yet,but there are some country's that have nuclear waste that want to pay us to bury their waste in the middle of Aussie far we have been saying far..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    KEEP saying NO!
    terryfossil 1

    That is the plan Clu..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Wow! And, no.  We worry about power lines and Sight C.  

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