
    A woman in england is looking to change the wording of a Cricket Batsman to Batsperson due to the rising amount of Women playing the game of Cricket,,i do not think Batswoman and batsperson is actually a word as of yet,what do the people of AKA think..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..Image result for batswoman photos

    +4  Views: 2424 Answers: 9 Posted: 8 years ago

    9 Answers

    In bat, on bat, at bat, batting, the person batting, doesn't matter to me, batsperson is just silly.

    terryfossil 1

    It is a wonder they do not want the position of "hooker" in a scrum of womens rugby changed to the ball grabber..plain bloody stupid mate..political correctness and equality needs to be revamped..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    how bout Bat Tech ?
    ( best answer )

    Surely no woman with any amount of self confidence should be concerned about using 'man', 'woman', 'person', etc. but that does seem to be the nature of our current society. Someone is always upset (or even devastated) about something, no matter how trivial. If I am the head of the board of directors of my billion dollar company, call me whatever you like.....Madam Chairman sounds just fine to me!       lol

    terryfossil 1

    Is it possible for you to answer the question Tommyh and i were discussing..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Moderator heard of such a thing but then, I'm a golfer! lol

    If they are going to change that maybe they should insist on the girls wearing a "Box" as well.After all, we are talking about equality aren't we?

    terryfossil 1

    Have a look at the tennis Tom, the women want the same money as the men,but the women only play 3 sets,and the men play 5 sets,and they want the same is that equality..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Well,They'll just hafta play 5 won't they? They're more 'Entertaining' than the blokes anyway and none of them is a complete a*****e like a certain young man of Greek heritage whom I won't name.
    terryfossil 1

    actually Tom,i think they do wear a box,and i am not being funny,they protect that area just as much as males,however i have no idea if it hurts females as much as it hurts males..maybe you can ask one of them..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Ummm! No I think you are much better at asking the questions than I am mate.
    Maybe Ducky could tell you.:)

    Sorry Tommy. Ducky is unavailable for this one. :)

    Aww! C'mon Duckster. Be a good sport.LOL

    No Tommy, no, no, no! :)
    terryfossil 1

    Is that your last NO Quacker..????..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    ....bat her up ?

    terryfossil 1

    Batter up,,that is baseball benny..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Well while she's making a fuss about that, she's not walking around London, trying to stop the democratic process of Brexit, or trying to stop The Donald coming here.

    terryfossil 1

    Always looking on the bright side Sunny..??????>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..but you are right,anybody with that sort of intelligence you do not want mucking around in politics,,

    Beg pardon? I beg to differ of course. So you don't agree, no need to insult my sex. Good grief, have you ever LISTENED to them?

    Sonny, surely you don't want an such an illmannered and uncouth ego mongering jackass in your refined country, I'd be embarrassed...
    terryfossil 1

    @ JH,we are talking about cricket are we not..????>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    I don't think you got the point of my answer JH. What I'm saying is that both in the USA and England, men and women are trying to stop the process of democracy , because they don't agree with the outcome of our referendum on the EU, and your Presidential election. The fact that the person making a fuss about her politically correct attitude towards how a women playing cricket should be addressed is just that, politically correct lefty liberal crap.
    terryfossil 1

    I hear ya Sunny,and i think Brexit and Trump are the good guys.though not everybody would say that.the umpire has spoken.let the ones in their positions fullfill their positions...>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Simply batty.

    This person,  that person,  it's silly to me. I think the referral would depend on the sex of the receiver. "Man" itself covers a lot of territory but times,  they are a changing. 

    terryfossil 1

    If you understood the cricketing vernacular JH,you would know exactly how silly it sounds..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..


    Batter!<!--StartFragment--> <!--EndFragment-->

    Batman and Robin. or Bat Masterson 

    terryfossil 1

    Your a little off the mark MCM..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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