    Since my husband fell in Feb. and broke his hip life changed. Day after Thanksgiving it changed even more when we found out his cancer went to his brain. On Dec. 15 my husband passed from this life to the next sound asleep and snoring and on a morphin drip. Life has changed again.

    +10  Views: 3404 Answers: 13 Posted: 8 years ago

    13 Answers

    What a year you've had my friend, my thoughts are with you, may you move on and enjoy the rest of life with gusto, may your husband rest in peace.


    Thank you for your kind words.

    ....God bless and peace be with you and the family


    Thank you and my family thanks you too.

    That's a tough time you've had , God bless you and your family. You deserve a peaceful time now.


    Thank you for your kindness.

    Sorry to hear that Witchy.May he rest in peace.I hope you are coping.I don't want to sound flippant but "What a way to go". Take care.


    You're not flippant in the least my dear. Wouldn't we all want such a peaceful transition. Thank you.

    Thankfully he went in a quiet, peaceful way but I'm very sorry for your loss witchway.


    Thank you Ducky.

    I am so sorry at the loss you have endured dear Witchway ...

    Image result for condolences huge


    Thank you Lindilou.

    My condolences to you. Sorry for your loss.



    Thank you clu.

    So sorry you husband passed from this life to the next, Witchy. I know it's going to be a big adjustment for you. Don't turn down any social engagements from your friends to come over for dinner or to go out.


    Thank you MCM. Friends and family have been keeping me very busy since his passing. I am grateful for everyone in my life and all the kindness they offer me.

    I'm so sorry  you lostyour husband, witchway. Have you mentioned in the past that your daughter has cancer too? Oh, I hope I'm wrong and your daughter is well.  We don't hear from you often here on aka, but it is always  nice to see you participating on the forum even if the news is not good news. My best thoughts are with you.


    Thank you CB. My daughter did have cancer when she was 16. She is now 31 and fine. Thanks for asking. I hope to participate more on this site in the future.
    country bumpkin

    I'm happy to know your daughter is well, Welcome back to the madhouse/aka. :)))

    Thanks CB. It's nice to be welcomed back.

    Oh, my. I'm torn. Do I rejoice that he suffers no more or mourn because he is gone. And what a loss for you and yours. I'm so glad we have this site to let go on. So glad so many responded. You are loved, you beautiful witch. Blessed Be. 


    Be grateful that it was a peaceful passing and know that he lived a good and full life. Thank you Julie.

    Very sorry to hear the last several months were challenging for you and your dear husband. Life is a journey, and having one share part of it with you is a blessing! I hope that your memories will be of the very happiest times.  My sincere condolences, Witchway.


    Thank you Phyllis.

    All the best Witchway..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Thank you.

    God bless you witchway. Be strong, my dear, and carry on and be thankful and happy for your past and present life!


    Thank you. I am staying strong and I am very thankful and focusing on the future.

    witchway that's why I love this site, because we can all share sad and happy moments that occur in all of our lives. and there is always support from the other angels and the mischievous souls.

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