8 Answers
I'm glad it's not up to me to make that kind of judgement although I do think that life in prison without parole is a pretty hard pill to swallow.Life is a long time to look at the same 4 walls day after day after day with only prison food to look forward to.
8 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

I think that his life in prison will be very difficult considering his deep seated prejudice which is well documented.
@The Duck, he's a tough S%$t guy, he doesn't give a S$%T about anyone, the C%£T deserves to be put down!
I don't care how comfy prisons are these days,it ain't life as we know it.He will spend the rest of his days looking over his shoulder when he is in general population,IF he is ever in general population.
Tommy I would agree except our prisons now are like Holiday inn's or motels.. heat,air conditioning, three square meals a day, play rooms with TV pool tables, ect.
Do you think they would put him in general population? Wouldn't they be worried about him getting killed.
solitary confinement. Was considered cruel years and years ago. He will go to a Max prison and probably be in the general population. make good friends you'll live.
I will go for life in prison,admittidally prison aint what it used to be,but life in prison can be very hard..if he makes the wrong decisions in there,he may well wish he was dead.if he goes in to do his own time,he will do alright,but if he does not assimilate to prison rules,and i do not mean the screws rules,i mean the crims rules,life can be very hard indeed for him..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
8 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
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