3 Answers
I'm sorry Clonge, but I am disgusted by this post. ( It has nothing to do with you, you are innocent).
The first thing I saw and the only thing I could focus on was seeing two very young girls who have their ears pierced. The parents more than likely subjected these two little girls to having their ears pierced when they were babies due to their own parents' vanity. Makes me want to puke!
8 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
They've been doing babies here for years. Not unusual to see a baby in a buggy or stroller with pierced ears.
Many tribes in India ... that's the first thing they do with the baby girls! Pierce they teensy beensy earlobes and tie a little red thread through until it heals... oochy wowa!
And then what they do to baby boys in America ... well ... I'm not even going to go there!
And then what they do to baby boys in America ... well ... I'm not even going to go there!
I have yet to see a mom and dad that were so proud of circumcising their sons' penis that they were showing if to people. I had my son circumcised for medical reasons only. Maybe I should have left the foreskin on and had it pierced! LMBO!
I once knew a bloke who had his old fella pierced with a little bell on the end of it,,when he walked it tinkled..truth is stranger than fiction,,i had my ear pierced with a safety pin on a drunken night out,,they do it a lot gentler these days..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
I was 16 or 17 when my doctor grandfather pierced my ears with pointed earrings and a pair of pliers. Yese, it hurt and one ear is crooked, not straight through. Yes, ouch.
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