8 Answers
The media that supported Clinton lost. I had a good feeling yesterday evening when stock market futures began to sharply decline. My idea is the blacks that supported Obama didn't show up. The clinton foundation will probably not keep bringing in money now , since they will not have access to The White House. No more Ramadan in the White House. For those of you crying, its time to hold your nose like I had to for last 8 years. Did Hillary speak last night after the results ?
8 years ago. Rating: 11 | |

This election was something I embraced with great conviction. I have disliked Clinton since she showed no respect for herself at Lewinsky time. Trump was not my first choice to represent my political affiliation, and other options did not impress me.
Trump has a lot to learn, and has the Congress to work with about improvements and changes, just like any other POTUSA.
My friend suggested I was happily gloating with his victory. No, I am immensely relieved Clinton lost. I am cautious, for I don't know who Trump will pull into his confidence for recommendations and advice. Making America great should not put a bigger tax burden on people. Health insurance for everyone should not require me to pay $850/mo. while someone else pays $100/mo. for the same coverage. THAT is Obamacare. THAT is socialism. THAT needs to go.
Rioters think they are going to lose all their "benefits". Benefits are something one earns. We have been conditioned to believe it's a debt owed to us. Time for a change, but I fear more government intervention to implement the goals Trump plans.
Using the word "threatened" was not the way to encourage dialogue with me. Please try to understand. :-|

Sorry mate i put in a similiar question,it was not safe to call it until Wisconsin fell to Trump,,and now for one nation in Aussie hey..?????
8 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Presidential Election, November 8, 2016 Detailed Results
98% Reporting Electoral Votes: 4
Polls Closing: 8:00 PM ETElectoral Votes
D Winner H. Clinton
352,485 3
R D. Trump
332,591 1
L G. Johnson
G J. Stein
Presidential Election, November 8, 2016 Detailed Results
100% Reporting Electoral Votes: 16
Polls Closing: 8:00 PM ET
R D. Trump
D H. Clinton
L G. Johnson
G J. Stein
U D. Castle
N E. Soltysik
* Runoff
Must admit however that Hillary was ahead in numbers (so much for one man one vote)and it was the electoral college that determined the outcome. I did not care for her,she frightened me but the opposition scares me beyond words.....
8 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Unlike jhharlan, Clinton was far more frightening to me. I know "Stronger together" had nothing to do with the average American.