    Looks like 'The Don" has Trumped Hilary.

    Any comments American friends?

    +6  Views: 2044 Answers: 8 Posted: 8 years ago

    8 Answers


    That's what we call democracy.



    thank you , Sunny

    The media that supported Clinton lost. I had a good feeling yesterday evening when stock market futures began to sharply decline. My idea is the blacks that supported Obama didn't show up.  The clinton foundation will probably not keep bringing in money now , since they will not have access to The White House.  No more Ramadan in the White House. For those of you crying, its time to hold your nose like I had to for last 8 years. Did Hillary speak last night after the results ?


    Hillary did not speak last night but will do so at 10:30am today from New York.

    Hillary did not even address the many who waited with her. Her behavior was deplorable!

    I'm pretty sure that after all that work, both candidates must be exhausted. One would be left running on adrenal, the other would have had a major let down and may not have been able to handle a speech until morning. Just looking at the "human factor" and deplorable may be a little strong even if you do hate her. Just saying.

    No thanks, I'll pass on the bait.

    I'm NOT baiting you Bob. Wow! You and I used to be able to discuss anything and everything. Face to face, I also discuss Canadian politics with Americans (we have elections too) and no one gets angry. I won't comment to you anymore if that's what you prefer. Sorry to have offended you yet again.

    Ducky, I enjoy your comments and conversing with you. Please reconsider not speaking to me.
    This election was something I embraced with great conviction. I have disliked Clinton since she showed no respect for herself at Lewinsky time. Trump was not my first choice to represent my political affiliation, and other options did not impress me.
    Trump has a lot to learn, and has the Congress to work with about improvements and changes, just like any other POTUSA.
    My friend suggested I was happily gloating with his victory. No, I am immensely relieved Clinton lost. I am cautious, for I don't know who Trump will pull into his confidence for recommendations and advice. Making America great should not put a bigger tax burden on people. Health insurance for everyone should not require me to pay $850/mo. while someone else pays $100/mo. for the same coverage. THAT is Obamacare. THAT is socialism. THAT needs to go.
    Rioters think they are going to lose all their "benefits". Benefits are something one earns. We have been conditioned to believe it's a debt owed to us. Time for a change, but I fear more government intervention to implement the goals Trump plans.
    Using the word "threatened" was not the way to encourage dialogue with me. Please try to understand. :-|

    I believe I said it like this....."promised/threatened." He DOES sound "threatening" to many, in your own country and other countries, even if you don't hear it. If we can agree to disagree (I do agree with the rest of what you've said), we'll just carry on as we have for the past five plus years.

    The leading democrat in the senate will be Chuck Schumer. He and Trump are good friends. Maybe that will help get this government on track.

    Sorry mate i put in a similiar question,it was not safe to call it until Wisconsin fell to Trump,,and now for one nation in Aussie hey..?????


    Michigan is a key state too, since it is mostly Democrats.
    terryfossil 1

    I think she might have only just fell over the line in Michigan MCM..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    "FELL"? Can you elaborate on your choice of words?

    Pauline is jumping for joy.

    Pauline? My teammate on Wednesday night bowling?

    Haha! She's the controversial leader of the one Nation party over here.Pauline Hanson.

    terryfossil 1

    G'day Bob,Fell over the line means she just won Michigan by the skin of her teeth..however it appears i was wrong and Trump fell over the line in Michigan.and i found this interesting,Clinton won Maine which had 4 college votes,but she only received 3 votes and 1 went to Trump,only state in USA where that happened..obviously a person who thought for themself.. Maine
    Presidential Election, November 8, 2016 Detailed Results
    98% Reporting Electoral Votes: 4
    Polls Closing: 8:00 PM ETElectoral Votes
    D Winner H. Clinton
    352,485 3
    R D. Trump
    332,591 1
    L G. Johnson
    G J. Stein
    Presidential Election, November 8, 2016 Detailed Results
    100% Reporting Electoral Votes: 16
    Polls Closing: 8:00 PM ET
    R D. Trump
    D H. Clinton
    L G. Johnson
    G J. Stein
    U D. Castle
    N E. Soltysik
    * Runoff

    Don't be sorry.I like her & I think she's just what this country needs.
    terryfossil 1

    Tom,i am with you mate..I think Pauline and Trump would get along just fine,i think they have similiar beliefs,,after all,they are both business people and not bloody politicians and lawyers..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Fair Dinkum Terry??? I didn't know the Don sold fish & chips too. Hahahahahaha!


    If Trump wins, it will be the answer to my prayers. 

    There are many reasons I do not want a Clinton presidency, but there is no point in attempting an explanation here. 



    I tend to agree with you Bob.Hilary seems a little bit too slimy to be trusted.

    Slimy is a good choice of words!

    I think there were a lot of closet Trump voters out there who didn't want to admit they were going to vote for Trump; and that's what caused the unexpected upset. Like he told  you, don't believe the polls.



    Must admit however that Hillary was ahead in numbers (so much for one man one vote)and it was the electoral college that determined the outcome. I did not care for her,she frightened me but the opposition scares me beyond words.....

    terryfossil 1

    Do not worry to much JH,i think you will find he will be more for the people than the elite politicians and lawyers that are already there..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    No, the donald is all about himself. He didn't think he would win either but he hates to lose. I'm glad for him and everybody else that fell under his rah rah, he's been talking through his teeth. Now is the time to pay the piper.....
    terryfossil 1

    JH,he said years ago if he was to run for president he would win,they even had him as president on (The Simpsons)..He was always meant to be President..just watch him with balanced eyes and ears..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    There should be much less corruption with Trump instead of Clinton, but we'll see.
    Unlike jhharlan, Clinton was far more frightening to me. I know "Stronger together" had nothing to do with the average American.
    terryfossil 1

    Where there is smoke there is fire Bob,.,there is to much corruption to catch her..but her fire has been put out,,she is as guilty as sin,but she may walk free..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    True, terry, and most of her minions, too, while people actually serving our country are imprisoned for less. When someone is as oily as Clinton, I have to wonder.

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