    Donald Trump....the world's first six-arm octopus! Thoughts?

    +3  Views: 954 Answers: 5 Posted: 8 years ago

    5 Answers

    ....apparently, he doesn't have enough pockets.

    I'm not surprised by any of his antics. But you know I'm a liberal democrat to the roots. I do not care for the man for a lot more reasons than a single p***y remark. For those who think something could have been done, there isn't a thing. In my 24 years as a factory worker,  I was subject to all kinds of tear producing harassment. Tattle tale was not an option. You'd have to be there to understand. I'm grateful to the women who are finally speaking up. I believe them...

    Believe it or not it happened everywhere in the 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s and now women speak out more about it, often nowadays it's women who do the harassing . Either way it's not nice if the person receiving the attention doesn't find it acceptable. I do think though that what the Donald is being accused of , is far less serious than what Clinton did to women, and then had his wife cover up for him. Why has it taken until now for these accusations against The Donald to come out, I wonder who is really being truthful here.


    Groping, grabbing and being a sexual predator is far less serious than groping, grabbing and being a sexual predator? So I guess, unless Melania boots Trumps rear end out the door right now, she is covering for him? Unless Trump's daughter Ivanka stops speaking to him right now, she is also covering for him? The Donald's own words have sunk his ship! He is a vile pig as is Bill Clinton!

    I find it hard to believe that any woman, even in the 70's & 80's would allow any man to do what she claims without raising a huge fuss, especially on a plane where she has easy access to flight attendants.


    Then it's a cinch you're not a woman. What would you have them do? Well, they didn't have a choice....

    Two of his arms were probably groping her; two more, another woman. 1 of his hands over each of their mouths. That leaves two unaccounted for, unless he was a SEXtopus and not an octopus.

    It's actually shocking and embarrassing when someone gropes you.

    I had an experience with my husband's boss, at the time, many moons ago. It took me years to tell my husband and then, he didn't believe me anyway. Why would he? It took me so long to tell him.

    The creepiest thing was that he, (the boss), and his wife have an open marriage. I had no idea and found that fact out many years later. I am very glad I don't have anything to do with them any more because there is no reason.

    It turns out the wife was even more disgusting than the boss. Go figure.

    Maybe one day the two of them will become far too old to bother anyone ever again. Then, they can just do nasty things to one another.

    It's too bad you're not a piranha! You're a nice fish. You could've taken a bite out of that sucker that he never would've forgotten. He and his wife deserve each other!

    We needed that job as a family.
    People in positions of power. ... The experience was horrible and I had to basically pretend nothing happened for years. He actually injured my neck and I still suffer to this day.

    Well Flip, since you find it hard to believe, I suggest that you are past due in reading something, anything, about abuse and why the abused do not speak out, sometimes for decades...if ever! Go for it.

    P.S. In the 70s and 80s it was even worse than it is now, in 2016. No one talked and no one listened!

    Boy, flip, you’re getting it from all sides it look like. None of us are lying or in need of attention or fame, it’s just the basic truth. It’s real…….

    Would they have come out of the wood work if he was not running for an election,,and then are they telling the truth or are they just trying to knock him out of the election..there could be darker deeds afoot here..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Poor innocent Donald? Really? The abused women gathered the courage, yes courage, to speak out, after he outright lied about his "respect" for women. He is a sexual predator and has been for his whole life. He got caught....just like Bill Cosby got caught. Hopefully, they will both pay. People who continue to back such a vile human being (which he has proven with his OWN words), should be ashamed of themselves!!!
    terryfossil 1

    Check the history books Duck,,when it comes to political elections,there is no ceiling and no floor..BTW,i am in the middle of watching a video about hillary,with facts and figures,,she is a lot worse than Trump,only it is well under the bed..trump said he would put her in jail,i do not know why the law of USA did not put her in jail,,but then you have,Clinton and Monica,then you had Kennedy and Marilyn,Senator Ted and Mary Jo..after all them Trump looks like an angel or in like company..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I don't have to check any history books. I'm old enough to remember it in real time. It was disgusting then and it's disgusting now. Why do we always have to compare ugly behavior to someone else who was far worse? We can always find more ugly behavior. Donald Trump is a sexual predator....period! If Hillary goes to jail so should Donald.
    terryfossil 1

    Yes he should Duck,if he is proven guilty,so far it is only accusations ,and you would have to agree the timing of such accusations seem very odd,however in this election you have the choice of 2,so it comes down to which is the best of a bad 2...And yes fluffy Duck i bow to your age..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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