    Law of the country..

    Do you think it is up to the people of a country to vote on whether they want the law changed to make it legal or illegal to have gay marriage,or should the government make the decision on it's own..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    +5  Views: 1518 Answers: 7 Posted: 8 years ago

    7 Answers

    ....government of the people, by the people and for the people 

    The Scottish government made the decision to allow gay marriage here, with no objections from the majority of the people, only the churches(various denominations) have a problem.

    terryfossil 1

    Our Liberal party offered to do a plebiscite on the subject if they got voted in,the labour party agreed,,now it is time to do it,and the labour party pulled out of the deal.labour party and the gays reckon the surveys support a yes vote,,the labour party support a yes vote,so why would they be worried about letting the people vote on it..???unless they lied about the survey numbers..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    We elect (hire) people to represent us on a large scale, who propose laws, allegedly based on the welfare of those who hired them.   I don't believe any one of them thinks of anyone but himself after election day.


    Just because people vote to approve something doesn't mean it is right.

    terryfossil 1

    If over 50% of a country votes yes or no for anything,,then it is right for that country.what one country deems right or wrong has nothing to do with what people believe in another country

    Does not mean it is an intelligent choice..
    terryfossil 1

    You maybe right Dan,but if over 50% of the voting population win their vote,then the politicians have an obligation to make their vote law..regardless of whether other countries like it or not....>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Right again you are.

    The government is the body that has been selected by the ppl themselves . However, if the ppl want to raise there voice against an illegal/wrong act passed by the government ,the ppl MUST protest against it and DO WHAT IS RIGHT .


    atleast thats how i think of it . btw hello guys :)



    As I see it,  if enough people raise a fuss then the government needs to take a look. And here they looked left....

    It should not be illegal to marry. 

    It is illegal to steal or kill a person.  To love and be with someone should not be illegal.  Love is a blessing.

    It is pure, it is whole and it is the one single thing that makes us who we actually are.


    We love.  Let us marry.  ... or not if we so choose.

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