    Uh, oh. New gun laws in MO. Thoughts?

    +4  Views: 762 Answers: 6 Posted: 8 years ago

    6 Answers

    The better place to get info on the Missouri Gun Laws is the Missouri Gun Law website, not the "OPINION" piece in the unbalanced NY Times. 

    ....slippery slope 

    Yep, that sounds about right.

    Read a little more about it, not as daft as it sounds, the gun laws in the States are crap anyway.

    It must seem odd to Americans that UK police voted overwhelmingly not to carry guns, and it must also seem odd that very few policemen are shot in the UK compared to countries with lax gun laws, not too many mass shootings here either, murders yes, knife crime yes, no regular killing on a mass scale though.


    You are DEAD correct, Romos -- Only in America, thank God.

    Bulletman, maybe you should take the "bullet" out of your name? With your low opinion of America, please don't risk a visit.
    For both of you and all you other detractors,
    Do you seriously believe all the gun issues would be solved if all the guns were confiscated? Do you not think I should have the right to maintain a gun for recreational use, for legal game hunting, or to protect myself in my home? If not, WHY not?

    Bob, we have guns for sporting purposes here too, why, we can even buy guns here too, but we don't have gun shops on every corner of every town, and if you want to buy a gun you go through a strict background checkup, all your family are checked too,
    No one is saying you have no right to own a gun, but the laws in the USA are draconian, still seems like the Wild West.

    Thank you, ROMOS. I think our background check should be much more thorough.

    Ms Bob, i have nothing against Americans, just your gun-ho Gun llLAWS, i have been there twice now, i found your fellow Americans extremely friendlyand helpful towards Aussies and vice versa. :)

    Bulletman, you've been very vocal in your dislike of gun laws here. Did you know many legislators want to take citizens' guns but have the right to keep theirs. We have to be prudent and aggressive to maintain that constitutional right.

    Sounds like a whole mess of trouble to me.

    Maybe they should call it the shoot em up state,,from an outsiders view,America already has a gun law problem,,and if they have made any steps forward,this law takes em back 5 steps,,only winners here,are gun merchants and cemeteries..>>>>><<<<<<<.. 

    Good for them, my old home state. Don't have to retreat. Center mass people, center mass.

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