    When you hear if an endangered species, what animal do you think of?

    All kinds if animals are on the list.  What comes to mind when you hear "engendered"?

    +7  Views: 859 Answers: 10 Posted: 8 years ago

    Too many to choose just one .....

    10 Answers

    Image result for bluefin tuna pacific endangered


    Indeed, but, but??????

    Money again Roy...$10K a fish.

    Over-fishing is taking these guys out bigtime!!!

    THAT BEAUTIFUL big cat the Tiger is on the list, the American Buffulo could have been on the list if it wasn't for the forsight to stop slaughtering in the 1800's --- 40 million down to 2500 in 15 years, i think each country is responsible for the extintion of one way or another for birds and animals, i rembember the whales in the southern ocean was on the brink until man woke up to stop killing them, mainly japanese whalers who are still trying to harpooning them today in Australian waters. --- Shame.


    This little fella,known as a Bilby..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..Image result for bilby photos australia

    Because of the climate change the polar bears are under dire threat of becoming extinct. The African elephant population is diminishing at an alarming rate, this due to those bastards who are relentlessly hunting them down. There are hundreds of other species on our planet on the endangered list caused directly or indirectly by man, and governments of the world seem to be doing too little, too late to counteract it. It is a global scandal and disaster, and time is running out.

    I'm not sure if there on the list but I did a lot of research years ago for a friend of mine that didn't have the internet, on honey bees. Those little guys are having big problems and disappearing at an alarming rate.

    terryfossil 1

    If the bees disappear JD,i have read that it could end life on earth,,so how important are the bees..????>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Bees pollinate plants. without bees very little pollinating will happen. If they don't get pollinated they don't produce food. Other insects do some, wind does some, but bees do the most. Also You benefit by the honey the turn it into.

    It engenders disgust of the human race for allowing things to get this bad! 

    Always makes me cry, and wonder WHY.



    It amazes me how anyone could stoop so low.

    Money Tom, MONEY, some people need it because they are starving, it's their governments that need to step up.

    Me, too, ROMOS me too.



    No longer, China has turned it around.


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