    What makes a racist?

    +4  Views: 1791 Answers: 8 Posted: 8 years ago

    8 Answers

    I think we all know the answer to that. It has certainly been discussed often enough, here on aka and in the media. There are some though, who like to loudly shout "RACIST" at others. They themselves, wish to appear caring and loving toward every other nationality, color, religion and yet, they will be quick to lash out at others and judge THEM to be racist....a case of I'll get them before they get me! Donald Trump is a fine example of that! People who behave like that, are just plain phoney in my opinion.


    Explain more how you see Trump as a racist, please.

    No, Donald Trump "wishes to appear caring and loving toward every other.....yet HE is quick to lash out at OTHERS and judgeTHEM to be racist...etc" He is phoney in doing that.

    According to many reports, he marked rental applications with a "C" and they were excluded from his rental property in N.Y. It's beside the point that I was making but, does that make him a racist?

    There are subdivisions where I live that state in the original deeds that the property, if sold, shall not be sold to certain ethnic people. Is that racist? California didn't want to be a slave state when it joined the US because the leaders didn't want black people IN California. Now, the question is why

    Racism and prejudice is alive and well everywhere. For people to pretend that it does not exist (as in "I love everyone") is just a silly attempt to "look good".
    terryfossil 1

    There are rentals in Aussie that choose to not let to animals or children or smokers,if you own the property then it is your call..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Trump recruited many black people and Mexicans to build his buildings both down south and in N.Y.
    terryfossil 1

    MCM,and i assume he paid them,,that does not sound like a racist does it..if there is not enough work in USA for the mexicans,then they should be stopped until there is work for them,,i do not see that as racist,,sneaking into another mans country is the same as sneaking into another mans house..i do not think anybody can disagree with that.. >>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    I've been in discussion with a black woman who seems racist to me. She doesn't see it that way. Uses "LOL" in her comments. I don't think anything she says merits an "L", let alone an "LOL".

    Well seeing as i have been called a racist by someone on AKA,i will give my understanding of racist,first up i agree with The Duck,,i do not dislike people because of their colour,if i did i reckon you could call me racist,however their are certain cultures within this world that i do not particularly like..and i do not want that culture to become predominant in my country,,that i believe is not racist,,my country is the same as my home,and i should have the right to chose who i let into either,,the same as other countries have the right to refuse me if i do not measure up to their expectations..and as the main concern these days is about muslim immigration,and again it is not racist to want a strong questionaire to try and avoid the wrong types entering my country,and that is not RACIST..Sorry about being long winded Bob,it is the only way i could answer your question..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    No one, except for God Himself, can honestly say they love EVERYONE. I've heard that said in public because it sounds good but in private.....different song.

    the answer is simple. Ignorance. Pure and simple. 

    terryfossil 1

    I agree Digger,however it is more complex than simply Ignorance..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    See above.

    Not ignorance. Not simple. If, as a white person I express aloud, that I don't care for a person who is smelly, manner less and dishonest, that would not be considered racist unless, of course, that person happens to be a color other than white, THEN, I would be called a racist. Ridiculous accusation! I'll admit that I don't like every person I meet and that goes both ways. So?

    Ducky, you are, surprisingly I might add, way out in left field on this one. I'd elaborate but right now, I'm at a ball game sipping my 2nd (or is it my 3rd ?) golden IPA and it must be 30c with the humidex. Not bad for a Sept 7 evening in the city.

    Too hot but I hope they will be the champions! :)

    I am a racist because I dislike obama, black lives matter, and other race baiting celebrities . I don't mind being called that if that is what it is . As the black supporters of these people say. I guess I am racist against the scumbags of society. I'm feeling pretty good about it too. Thank you. Just so you know, I have been called a Hebrew slave driver, violating civil rights, all because making convicts work. Is it racist to say I enjoy watching convicts pick cotton by hand ?


    You have opinions, that is your right in a democratic country, always remember, this is not a given to all.

    I'm convinced that everyone dislikes someone because of their personal experiences. Just because they don't say it out loud, doesn't mean it is untrue.

    Zorro, scumbags come in all colors

    I'm OK with Convicts picking cotton by hand.

    ....influence, experience/s and attitude 

     Instinctive reaction for species protection- It is natural to relate to those who are similar in our own image and likeness and too feel comfortable with those that look and reflect who we are in appearance and behaviour. Humans naturally feel threatened when things we cherish most such as our culture, territory, family, and our identity are in danger of being harmed. Racism is what a humans natural reaction in order to protect all of this. Anything that is not the same as one group of people is immediately perceived as inferior and prejudice (forming your own opinion on a person).

    Fear of loss and displacement (FEAR)-  Humans naturally seek to protect their own kind, which means they fear for any loss of what makes them who they are; it can be anything including our jobs, status, territory, possessions, personal significance and even our own identity. Humans fear being replaced by anyone who is seen as more appealing and desirable than what they are. When someone is replaced by a person who is better than what they are which makes them feel unworthy. Fear is one of the biggest contributors of racism especially from loss, which causes a person to see difference between the two people and is seen as threatening of what as what they see as their rights. 

    Ignorance (The condition of being uneducated, unaware or uniformed)-  What continues racism is ignorance in the world. If a person grows up doing a particular thing their whole lives and everyone else around them does the same thing, it is seen to be right even if it is morally wrong it may be to another human being that does not share the same outlook on life. A group of people will not see anything wrong with their actions
     because they see their actions as correct. The only way to stop this ignorance is through education and awareness of their actions and what the consequences may be. Until a person’s ignorance is educated, it will continue to thrive racism.

    Lack of self love, feeling of unworthiness and desire to feel superior- People who are the most racist tend to be people who lack confidence, self esteem and most of all self love.  A racist person throws all their negative feelings onto others that are seen as weak and vulnerable. When a person truly loves himself or herself and appreciates who they are as a person, they can appreciate others as well. Racism comes from the feeling of being worthless, being victimised, and lacking the opportunities others may have.  These feelings of being a ‘failure’ means that person needs a scapegoat to make themselves feel better; usually this being a person that is weaker than the racist. Racist human beings tend to feel insignificant, isolated, wronged and unloved, and they feel comfort in blaming others. A cause of racism is not a social act but is an individual act. The causes of racism begins with an individual person and can only be fixed by addressing an individuals actions.

    Hope this helps.


    Do you agree? I was looking for personal thoughts.

    I agree, 100%, still see it, still believe it.

    Romos, best answer

    I don't get accused of being racist, but I can tell some people think I am , mainly because  I speak my mind on immigration. But they have got me wrong I have people who I would call friends  who are black, my nephew married an Indian girl,I don't like her but it's nothing to do with where here family came from, she's just a bossy b****.  I am against taking in more immigrants because we are over full already, and also because of the terrorist risk. If that makes me a racist ,so be it .



    You don't sound like a racist to me, not that it matters!
    terryfossil 1

    Well said Sunny,i myself can see nothing racist in your answer,..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    racists come in all colors. Plenty of the black women I've worked with have bashed white people right in front of me 


    Oh, for sure, MCM. I was just arguing with a woman who thought loaning $4000 to one of (her words) "MY PEOPLE" to finish college was supposed to make me think highly of her, which it didn't. Confirmed to me she is a segregationist and as racially elitist as one could possibly be.

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