    How would you teach someone to transfer from, say, a wheel chair to the bed?

    You can assume the bed is only slightly higher than the chair. The person trying to xfer has use of the right side only but is strong.  There is railing on the left side of the bed. 

    +2  Views: 453 Answers: 1 Posted: 8 years ago

    1 Answer

    Maybe a gait belt would help.........

    How do I transfer a person using a gait belt?

    A gait or transfer belt is a device that is placed around the person's waist or lower body. It may be used to help move a person to and from a wheelchair. It is used for a person who can stand but needs help getting up from a sitting position. Follow these steps to help transfer a person using a gait belt:

    • Prepare the wheelchair and the person for the transfer.

    • Fasten the gait belt securely around the person's waist. Ask the person to hold on to you if he can.

    • Grip the belt tightly, bend your knees, and keep your back straight.

    • Lift or move the person with your arm and leg muscles. Do not use your back muscles. Do not twist your body when you move or lift the person.

    • Turn with small steps until the person's back is in front of the wheelchair. Ask the person to help by reaching for the wheelchair behind him. This may make it easier for the person to sit down in the wheelchair.

    • Bend forward while bending your knees and lower the person into the wheelchair.

    • To move a person out of his wheelchair using a gait belt, follow the same steps.


    Great but I've mastered getting him in and out of the chair. What I want to know is how to go abouts getting him to move himself by himself. From the chair to the bed and visa versa .

    Bit of nagging usually does the trick.

    I'm hoarse from nagging and am getting used to being mean. Not a nice place and requires the energy to do anything myself.....

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