    Clinton has friends.???????????

    i just seen all these Hollywood people stand up and say clinton is the way to go..they screamed and ranted with cliches like they were reading from a script..oh silly me of course..they are would you ever know when they were real or acting..??????>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    +7  Views: 1463 Answers: 4 Posted: 8 years ago

    4 Answers

    She has a lot of friends over here as well Terry, she's been on the television all day. She's loved by the liberal elite who run everything , reporters who work for the TV channels , news channels, radio channels . most politicians, actors, actresses oops not aloud to call women that anymore, teachers, doctors, most middle class professionals. If the English could vote for the American president , she would probably win, or maybe not I'm forgetting the seventeen and a half million people who voted for Brexit, most of us were working class and would probably NOT vote for Hilary. 

    Hollywood celebrities are simply a gang of like thinkers. If they don't go along, to get along, they'll be out of a job. You might notice that Republican celebrities are pretty quiet about their party affiliation.

    The thing to remember is that having a friend and BEING a friend is not the same. 

    So many Elephants! Very few Jackasses! LOL!


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