    I have wanted to quit a "hobby" ever since i began, mother tells me to wait a year, after a year she tells me i've spent too much to quit?

    Ever since i was around 8, i've taken up playing violin because my bigger sibling was getting all of the attention. I found its something that takes more effort than i thought, i immediately wanted to quit.

    My mother said after its been a year i may since ill have the experience, a year passes, and she doesn't let me quit because she's spent too much on lessons for me to quit.

    I have already asked her about this situation, she gives me a long talk about the economy, how my hobbies i actually like to do wont be as much paying as a violinist would be, etc.
    Not too sure if she realizes, but ive had many 'existential crisis' (sort of in the sense of existance, in a sense of 'getting out there' into the big world of employment) induced from those many speeches on the economy, how life is hard, it may have been really premature of them to do.

    It's just playing violin, I often remind myself, but every time i go to practice or have a lesson i remember how foolishly i began just to be noticed, feel a sense of being a deep irrelevancy and all. It's been years and this feeling is really unbearable. 

    +1  Views: 1753 Answers: 1 Posted: 8 years ago

    I also feel as if they just want me to play as their entertainment, telling me to learn all of these songs they like.

    They tell me the more time i spend doing something i like, the more time i put to playing the violin, when i can be doing these chores or whatever they are trying to hire people to do such as moving all of the furniture out of a room and paint the roof. Except for me they don't even have to pay, i'll just not have to do what constantly reminds me of how i just struggled to feel relevant. after it being around 6/7 years i feel the longer ive been doing it the more less likely i'll be to be able to quit.

    1 Answer

    You're about 14-15 now, the age I was after 7 years of piano lessons. I regret not continuing lessons through my teens, but only because I could have done better. It's also the time when my sons got tired of their piano lessons.

    Ask your parents to sit down and talk to them about why you wanted lessons in the first place. Tell them what you want to do instead ( and don't say chores, because nobody believes that). Have a plan for your time that is productive. Tell them you are miserable and becoming resentful over violin lessons.Ask them to please consider your feelings and suggest they put their money into something just for them. BE SURE TO THANK THEM FOR GIVING you the wonderful experience and mean it. 

    On the other hand, if you're any good, which you must be, think of what your skill could do for scholarships, professional musician playing/working in a theatre, film, or military orchestra (this one counts as military service, by the way). If that sounds good at all, grit your teeth and power through. 

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