    Do you live in a Retirement Village..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    +4  Views: 1498 Answers: 8 Posted: 8 years ago

    8 Answers

    My 78-year-old grandfather  is living in a three bedroom house on an acre of land. I know he does not want to move because he loves his home, but it is too much for him to maintain by himself at his age. I've been trying to convince him to move into a retirement home for several years.

    terryfossil 1

    I know how he feels CB,i still sit down and look at the photos of our 10 acre property,,but like your grandfather it became to much for Venny and me..MEMORIES..>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    terryfossil 1

    Why not not old enough.???>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I am one of the oldest on this site so I do qualify but..... I live in a nice friendly neighborhood so see no reason for change.
    terryfossil 1

    as long as you can still look after yourself,then you are on a good deal mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    No not old enough, and not to many of them if any around my neck of the woods. Old folks/rest-homes but not really any communities. Like that

    terryfossil 1

    When and if you get around to it JD,look long and hard for what you want..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<...

    Nope , out in the cotton fields of west Texas. Its not doing too good in this heat and drought. Hope you enjoying your winter. I'm ready for summer to be over.

    terryfossil 1

    I am ready for our winter to be over..71F here at the moment,,and it is a bit nippy..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    You spoiled spoiled little man.
    terryfossil 1

    Zorro,,you have no idea how spoiled we are in Aussie Mate,,but hang about,i think the times they are a changing,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Yes, losing daylight now. Temps are down to normal now. Snow possible in 75 days.

    No, but the owner-occupied condos are supposed to be at least 55. Not what you'd call a retirement village. No amenities, many working. 

    terryfossil 1

    We have over 50's over here Bob,you are aloud to go to work from them,they are supposed to be pre retirement places,,but the last thing you would want is to be living beside a 50 year old with kids when you are 65 and up..screaming kids are not the most soothing thing on old ears..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    There are no children. One neighbor has a 30+ year old son here. Everyone is quiet, couples, widowed, singles and divorced. These homes are privately owned, no restriction on working. I would prefer a house with a backyard for the dog, a garden, play space for grandchildren.


    terryfossil 1

    You mean noooo,not yet mate.????.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I mean Noooo!

    I once lived in a complex that housed seniors,  it was nice. Loss in job and son followed me into homelessness. I had a two year crash course and a very good teacher. Met a lot of seniors along the way. 

    No we live in a village with a mixture of age groups, our next door neighbours one side are in their late twenties with two young children, they can be a bit noisy sometimes, the other side of us is a couple about ten years younger than us with a grown up son. they are no problem at all. Across the road from us is a small retirement complex of about 40 bungalows, these are mainly people in their 80s plus, they have afternoon get togethers sometimes , sing alongs and cups of tea and cake, I'm not quite ready for that yet, maybe in about 15 years time. There is a morning club for older people at the community centre the first Monday each month, my wife goes along and helps make the teas and coffees.

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