    Another terrorist attack in France.

    These will not stop while they have open boarders in Europe, and they continue to let every Ahmed, Habib, & Mahmoud, Travel in and out.

    +10  Views: 1126 Answers: 5 Posted: 8 years ago

    I didn't realise Hector/Dennis had already put something on here about this. But my answer is the same.

    5 Answers

    We, in Canada, are welcoming everyone also. We are such loving and nice Canadians. I wonder how the 'smiling welcomers" who gather at airports will feel, when their city gets blown up because they knew NOTHING about these new citizens! I want to know "why Canada?" BEFORE they even get off the plane. To me, that is nothing more than common sense.


    If we would only let in avowed Atheists into the country, we wouldn't need to worry about security. It would be just like living in Heaven...even though there IS no Heaven...well, you know what I mean.

    I'll stick to some kind of common sense, if you know what I mean.

    That's what we're all about

    As nuts as it sounds digger ... hmm ....


    I think he means us Ducky as in 'we' Canadians! But this trouble goes much deeper because now we have individuals with warped minds stemming from cultures that have no problem eradicating those who differ in mindset. There is no screening technique [as of yet] to determine exactly WHO will be the next to take out their angers and frustrations on the general public and this is more than a little disconcerting and so we are at a disadvantage. Also the idea of divisiveness has been pushed and presented so much in all cultures that we now have world-wide prejudice one against the other. The time for talk is over when it never really began!
    I have no answers but that we attempt to change this up by being the example... by formulating viable ways of detecting those who might be a potential risk to the general population but again ... it is not illegal to be a 'potential' risk until that risk acts upon whatever evil is going through their mind[s].
    It is fear-mongering of the highest degree to hate , to accuse, to be suspicious of our friends, family or neighbours.... and this is what it has come to. ;(

    Yes and it has come to it by necessity and for all of the reasons that you stated. This problem has now mushroomed into something that is impossible to stop by what was once, deemed to be 'normal'. "THEY" are waaay ahead of us in all aspects."

    ... well I know a very nice cave location ..... can see them comin' fer miles and miles!! ;O

    Well, get ready to see ME comin'. lol
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Duck,,i was surprised to find Canada was involved,i have heard you guys talking,and i assumed Canada was staying out of it,but not according to this link..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Can't get the link Terry.

    On June 29th Justin stated ....
    “Our new policy in Iraq, Syria and the surrounding region reflects what Canada is all about: defending our interests alongside our allies, and working constructively with local partners to build real solutions that will last. We will work with allies to defeat ISIL and the terrorist threat it represents. At the same time, we will help address the needs of millions of vulnerable people while helping lay the foundations for improved governance, economic growth and longer-term stability.”

    The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

    Gosh, I hope he didn't break a leg on that one! It must have been hard to walk along that fence!
    terryfossil 1

    Believe it or not Duck,i cannot open the link now either..i think dark things are a foot here Duck..>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    It's totally political terry. :)

    I went to bed early last night so I didn't hear about this until this morning. I watched a slideshow with all the bodies lying in the streets, one picture had a body covered up with a baby doll next to it.  Mohamad Bouhlel,  was  questioned by police  before the attack and told police he was delivering ice cream and  he would be moving his truck soon. there a threshold in our world ?


    A few large gates across the borders would be my answer.

    Welcome to the planet of insanity ...

    Watched Dateline tonight and the general consensus is that the driver is a nutcase,  not a terrorist but I can see where he got his ideas....

    I am still waiting for someone to come up with a better answer than what i have..even if we all withdrew from over there,i do not think that would stop them from attacking the western world..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    I agree Terry, they don't need a reason, they are murdering scum who need to be wiped out well and truly. It has nothing to do with religion, one of the first women murdered in Nice was a Muslim.

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