    30 Killed in France and poss,a hundred injured,on there special day,,

    +6  Views: 678 Answers: 9 Posted: 8 years ago

    9 Answers

    WE are hearing death toll is at 73 and rising Hec. and here we go again,,and the powers that be says just do not let it effect our normal way of life,oh hell,you will not stop these people with WORDS,,let us get rid of this political correct crap and return fire one way or another..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    75,and rising sickening,

    80 dead now Den.Appalling situation.

    Vive la France!

    What's the matter with these guys?

    What has been proven by this mindless destruction of human life?

    terryfossil 1

    The mindless idiots that do these things have not got the intelligence to explain why Tom,,however it adds strength to the saying some people should be drowned at birth..>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Anyone capable of this are the scum of the earth.
    terryfossil 1

    I know Sunny,and all we keep doing is offering up is words..this political correctness has gotta be thrown out the door..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    84 is the last count now.How could anybody mow down little kids with a truck & consider themselves matyrs? it's making me sick.

    They are at war with the countries that are over in their countries with military presence. This is how they fight their war. They want to hurt us and they want us to remember how it feels.

    When the USA dropped Atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki between 109,000 and 226,000 innocent men, women and children died. There wasn't a Japanese person on the planet not effected by that. War is horrible no matter how it takes place.
    terryfossil 1

    However Fish,it did end the war and stop the killing..are you suggesting we do that to isis,,??????..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Oh no Terry Fossil the First. You have been the person suggesting we get rid of them all.
    I find it interesting the stance you take. My husband is a Canadian Airforce Vet. His father was a British Airforce Vet. My father and all of my uncles are British military vets as were my grandfathers and none of them say the things or have said the things you do. But, you have a criminal background, so you don't qualify.

    Weird how the guy who would never risk his life is the loudest one.

    My husband is a hero. He is about to receive another medal. You are just the guy who complains about 'what is not being done'.

    I have been reading what you write Terry. This comment is not just about this thread.

    terryfossil 1

    I apologize fish,i thought i could enter into thoughtful sensible conversation with you,but that is not possible with someone who thinks they and their family are Gods gift to the world,then sticks her head up her own butt,takes a whiff and says "what a great smell", and once again i am sorry i tried to converse with a retard such as yourself,it will not happen again..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Circle talking Terry Fossil the First. I am sure it works on the people in your life.

    Hey you guys! Take your fight somewhere else.Not on my thread!
    terryfossil 1

    Sorry Tom,no need for you to be a part of this crap,,you got enough problems of your own..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Sorry Tommy. Now, I am a 'retard' and what my husband did for peace on this planet means nothing.

    Go to it Big Brained completely insulting Terry the First and while you are at it .... Sign up.

    You have no idea how brave the men and women of the armed forces actually are and what they sacrifice for us. You also don't have one spit of a clue what they have to live with when they actually get home.
    Don't ever ask for war because what you have been writing is calling for a declared war.

    Sorry Tommy. I thought you would see. It happened by chance. And, no I am called the politically incorrect name of 'retard'. It just keeps getting better.

    Also, I missed the agreeing with me part Terry the First. I got caught up in all the other things you wrote. I don't have the time to sit on this site like you do. And, this is a free site, we are allowed to write where ever we want. Kind of inconvenient I suppose.

    Anyway Tommy. You would like my husband. He sends planes up into the air. He has a pretty cool job thanks to the Canadian Military.

    It turns out the terrorist was not from Syria or Iraq. Go figure. How the flip our "we" going to stop human migration Terry the Big Brain?

    So sorry Tommy but, you guys continue to let this happen.

    Unbelievable. And, by the way Terry called me a retard. He has also called me a lot of other names.

    Nice man. Terry. By the way the word is, challenged. I may be dyslexic but every single part of my brain matter is above average. You are overly offensive and because this site has now been corrupted more than it ever was before, I am completely done.

    ....prayers for the victims and their families


    75 pronounce now ben,,

    Hope there are plenty extra beads in your rosary.

    Insanity is the rule of the day Den ... the world is losing its mind man!!!



    I was shocked but not surprised. Isn’t that a shame? For it to be so commonplace you just go with the flow…..?

    terryfossil 1

    I know JH,and they say you have more chance of being hit by a car than a terrorists..tell that to the 80 odd that just got killed by a terrorists truck..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    If you allow yourself to become complacent, you've endorsed the atrocities. I'm not going to think a guy plowing a truck into people celebrating a national holiday, then getting out of the truck to shoot people is commonplace. Nope, that's not a flow to go with.

    It is a sad and true fact that this is our new reality.  There are so many different types of victims because of something that is going on far away.  Decisions are made, reactions happen and plans are put into place. 

    I don't know how or why anyone can take another person's life.  People do it every day all around the world. 

    Tonight, as I type this, Turkey is under a military coup.  Now, that can't be good considering where that country lies on this planet... and the plot thickens. 

    Watching history in the making isn't the 'interesting' I would like to witness. 

    I wish everyone a peaceful and safe evening. 


    To true ,but to speak to loud Fish-O,We might not be here tomorrow,,

    How right you both are

    Heartbreaking, senseless, hateful. 

    When "politically correct" takes its rightful back seat to the welfare of the people en masse, an effective counter offensive can be implemented. 

    Doesn't anybody understand religious law can't supercede federal law?  

    terryfossil 1

    If your talking to me Bob,you are talking to the converted,,i agree with you ,but how we might want to achieve it may differ..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    The concept of "politically correct", allowing everyone their quirks and oddities, religions, and whatever else has gone a long way to create a serious safety problem.
    I'm in total disagreement with a continued lack of aggressive offense against any segment of humanity that threatens my homeland, and other parts of the world, as is being done. Apparently, the so-called leader of my country and the maniac he endorses to stumble along in his pigeon-toed footsteps, don't see it that way.
    terryfossil 1

    I think Trump is saying what you are saying Bob..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I'd say talk is cheap, but it's been costly every time Obama opens his mouth.

    There attacks will not stop until Europe closes it's borders, and stops letting these people travel back and forth.

    terryfossil 1

    Your on the money Sunny..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    "They" should also stop us from travelling over there with our tanks and our bombs and our guns. You have to remember, we actually started this. "WE" poked our noses in where our noses did not belong.

    There are a number of sides to this conflict.
    terryfossil 1

    You are right Fish,we should get out of there and let them continue killing themselves,the innocent them and the guilty them,,as they have been doing since time eternal..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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