    Do you believe in water witching , or do you think it's simple physics ?

    I've seen it done on my parent's northern property in Michigan years ago. it finds water where water can't be found.

    +3  Views: 539 Answers: 4 Posted: 8 years ago

    4 Answers

    Many years ago I saw a guy locate old pipes buried about 4 1/2 feet underground, he was extremely accurate, more accurate than our electronic detector, seemingly he made a good living doing this and finding water.



    they found our water by witching; after several expensive failed attempts of the well driller .

    ....yes, it has worked many times over many years.

    ....physics/science may have an influence; some folks are not successful "witchers."


    Maybe I'm a witch....I mean....a witcher?
    Benthere, no, you are still a duck.


    That's right, Ben. They say not everyone can do it.

    I'm usually very skeptical about these kinds of things but in this case, I believe it works. I even believe (for some unknown reason) that I could do it.

    In Aussie we call it Water Divining,The bible says Divining is bad,however i do not know if that means Water Divining as i see that as a life saving thing,we had a South American diviner find water on our property,he was incredibly exact,,he used 2 separate wires,he told us it was about 80 feet down and perfect drinking water,,he was spot on..our bore was the envy of any of the acreages around us that had a bore..the diviner bloke was amazing,,his success rate was very high,and he was the cheapest one around,,only certain people can do it,,i believe it is something like a magnet attraction to water,,when you consider the human body is 90% something water,,and water is the main denominator of this world..however a very interesting subject...good question MCM..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..  ""Image result for water diviners photos


    I've heard too, that not everyone can do it . And that some people think it's anti-Christian. But when you need water on your property and the well driller charges you an astronomical fee to drill and drills in 3 different places, you'll hire a water witcher.
    I'd like to see that movie. Is it good ? Was it made in the 90s ?
    terryfossil 1

    It was made in 2014 MCM,,as an Aussie i did not mind it ..IMD 7.1/10..rotten tomatoes gave it 63% from 100%....and roger ebert gave it 2 out of 4..>>>>>>><<<<<<<.

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