    We will have a new female Prime minister by Wednesday

    Andrea Leadsom  dropped out today ,so Theresa May will be Prime minister.  Is that quick or what.

    +5  Views: 596 Answers: 5 Posted: 8 years ago

    5 Answers

    Quicker than Cameron expected too, I'll give her a few months before I judge her, she was a good home secretary though.


    Well she's not one of the posh boys . Her dad was a vicar, and she was educated at grammar school. So we will see in time.

    Andrea Leadsom stuck her foot in her mouth-ouch!

    Theresa May will certainly have her work cut out for her while trying to set everything correct for Brexit. Good luck to her.

    Treasa May today,,The 11/7/2016,,

    I just read this. Is it a good or bad thing? I know embarrassing little of y'all's politics. What's a PM? 


    There's a hint in the question.

    I put my comment as another answer by mistake . Sorry Julie ,
    sorry cb. The Prime Minister is the head of the government, not the same as your President, because the Queen is our head of state. I think our Prime minister is more like your Secretary of state.
    country bumpkin

    No need to apologise, Dave, I only wanted to make sure you were able to put your comment in the correct place so Julie wouldn't miss seeing it.
    ( When I try to move an answer meant as a comment it shows my avatar so it's confusing. LOL)

    well, I screwed up my answer to Terry's question, since she wins unopposed. Will she still need a certain % of the votes?


    No she is home and dry,her opponent pull out,,

    ...are you happy about this?

    not sure,the other one was caught telling a few porkys,,but this one is a Tory,i prefer Labour,,

    Bob , She doesn't need any more votes now to be leader and Prime Minister , her opponent dropped out , so as she is the only one left in the contest she takes over. My opinion is she is a good choice, as a Conservative voter (normally) I'm fairly happy with her, as long as gets a good deal on the exit of EU. Dennis and Roy are Labour voters I'm pretty sure, but I think and hope we respect each others views, That's democracy as I'm sure you would agree, it's good for debate. Theresa May can stay as Prime Minister until 2020 , as we now have fixed five year terms. some people mainly the other party supporters and members are calling for an election , but that is not necessary , for one thing we don't vote for the person we vote for the party, and also the Labour party is in such a muddle themselves , the only people who would gain are the Conservatives at the moment

    Well, a pointless vote would be expensive! I hope she does a good job. The pressure is on her. I'm impressed how quickly you have replaced Cameron. It would take us years

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