5 Answers
There have been a few occasions, some less colorful than others! :-)
8 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Those are horrible experiences, and should never take place in a pet supply store. Heartbreaking to read of the Cockatoo theft. :-(
The cockatoo story is extremely sad. It broke my heart.
We came to work one morning to find that a truck had smashed into the front of our store and stolen thousands of dollars worth of marine aquarium supplies.
I also came to work after a vacation to discover that homeless people had moved into the garbage bins behind the complex and my staff were feeding their dog, which was fine, however the businesses in the complex could no longer throw their trash away and the waste company employees were not going to pick up the trash that was piled up or deal with the people in the bins. 20 tenants in the complex, 2 homeless people, one dog and me... the voice of reason. The police officer involved in that case didn't understand my point until I pointed out to him that we were all tax payers, the garbage was unhealthy and he was paid with tax payers' hard earned dollars. He dealt with the situation albeit, not happy with me. WE cleaned up the mess and the waste company was free to go back to work. ... taking our garbage away once a week which was the service that we paid for in the first place. That experience was unfortunate on many levels.
We came to work one morning to find that a truck had smashed into the front of our store and stolen thousands of dollars worth of marine aquarium supplies.
I also came to work after a vacation to discover that homeless people had moved into the garbage bins behind the complex and my staff were feeding their dog, which was fine, however the businesses in the complex could no longer throw their trash away and the waste company employees were not going to pick up the trash that was piled up or deal with the people in the bins. 20 tenants in the complex, 2 homeless people, one dog and me... the voice of reason. The police officer involved in that case didn't understand my point until I pointed out to him that we were all tax payers, the garbage was unhealthy and he was paid with tax payers' hard earned dollars. He dealt with the situation albeit, not happy with me. WE cleaned up the mess and the waste company was free to go back to work. ... taking our garbage away once a week which was the service that we paid for in the first place. That experience was unfortunate on many levels.
Unbelievable stories, except I believe you.
My heart goes out to homeless people and their struggles, but doesn't extend to trespassing, theft of carts ($400+ each) or other property, or intimidation, which does happen.
My heart goes out to homeless people and their struggles, but doesn't extend to trespassing, theft of carts ($400+ each) or other property, or intimidation, which does happen.
I have more... illegally caught salmon being sold behind a store that I was managing. Definitely the shopping cart problem, although I was the idiot arguing to get them back (no police involved). In retrospect, kind of stupid on my part. Drug dealers, crazy prostitutes and once a Jeep Cherokee careened around the corner of the complex smashing through the window of a second hand store taking out the dressing rooms. ... That one was pretty scary. A man had a heart attack while he and his wife left the parking lot causing an accident on a very busy street in front of the store. He died and that was very sad. Actually, when I managed that store something pretty much happened every week that involved police being called. It got to be so much we didn't bother calling unless it was way over the top.
I don't miss them at all.
Two or three times a year I talk to my friend, who worked with me and lives at 100 Mile House. We talk about all the things that are going on in our lives and inevitably we end up talking about drug dealers et al. We blow it off our chest.
Some of it was hilarious. The way we reacted to things at times, was outrageous and brave. We actually worked with a guy who was hired by the owners of the company, hand picked, (I should say), who was stoned on cocaine for the entire time he worked for the company. ... which was many years. Stoned people are not fun to work with.
In retrospect, that was definitely the most colourful job I have ever had.
I can also spot a fake $10.00 bill at ten paces :D
Two or three times a year I talk to my friend, who worked with me and lives at 100 Mile House. We talk about all the things that are going on in our lives and inevitably we end up talking about drug dealers et al. We blow it off our chest.
Some of it was hilarious. The way we reacted to things at times, was outrageous and brave. We actually worked with a guy who was hired by the owners of the company, hand picked, (I should say), who was stoned on cocaine for the entire time he worked for the company. ... which was many years. Stoned people are not fun to work with.
In retrospect, that was definitely the most colourful job I have ever had.
I can also spot a fake $10.00 bill at ten paces :D
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Man, that was a mess to clean up. !!! Colourful and entertaining in retrospect. At the time it was shocking. Dog biscuits, all sorts of ceiling material, cans of Wellness brand dog food and their rivals all over the place. Brown, blue, purple and pink ... it was a very colourful 'almost crime'. All I could think of is, "I hope that guy is ok."
That, I can tell you, was a really weird day. It was topped by 'Marc Bolan' look a-like-guy with a lot of make-up robbing me of Harley Davidson dog collars at knife point. Also very colourful.
The colourful experience that gets me the most is the stealing of a female Gala Cockatoo right in front of my eyes. That is the one that kills me.
People really should not be that bad. Those birds were a breeding pair. The male deteriorated after that.
... It really was like magic what those thieves did and then, it probably killed two birds, not just one.