    You're booked to go on an expensive vaction with some close friends. One of them contracts cancer, but the prognosis

    (I don't know why it didn't "take") is good. The friend is having a rough time with the treatments however, and decides to cancel. As one of the friends, and you have trip insurance as part of the group, as do the others, do you cancel also?

    +5  Views: 498 Answers: 7 Posted: 8 years ago

    Finish the question?

    If my friend can't go, I don't go.

    The term "Friend" is important to me.

    7 Answers

    ....stick with the friend.

    It depends , if the friends want you to still go I can't sees a problem, they have definitely made the right decision. We went away a year ago with my brother in law and his wife, he was in the middle of his chemotherapy treatment, it was the most terrible holiday we have ever had. He was feeling very ill obviously,  and his wife suffered for it more than anyone.  He was argumentative, grumpy, awkward, didn't want to walk, sit ,talk , he really was in a terrible state.  He didn't fancy much food , so he was not very happy when we eat, several meals were spoilt. My wife is his sister, so she did manage to tell him off a few times, she was the only person who could do that, and get away with it. Now, she feels bad about that ,since he past away in April. He must have felt so I'll,  poor bloke, it wasn't like him at all.

    Personally I wouldn't cancel, your friend will still be there when you return, hopefully, if the prognosis is good. You'll still be friends when you get back home.

    Good prognosis? I'd still go,  I can have fun by myself and take lots of pictures, stories and tales.I'm capable of sharing to the point that my friend "would be tthere" and not leave them envious. I'd call eveyday to tell and catch any news.......


    Don't think it's just a twosome, "others" were mentioned.

    Since it is a group trip, I might first suggest we delay our trip. 

    not always easy to cancel planes and trains and room bookings,,finish the trip and come back and say G'day,,a good friend would not want you to throw it away..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I question that the trip insurance would cover those not affected. My decision would be contingent upon the attitude of the friend with cancer.


    Good point about the insurance. This is an actual situation involving my cousin, and his friends decided not to go. I asked his wife about insurance, and she was adamant that everyone was covered. I don't know if the "fine print" was read.

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