    Where do you live, and are there police cameras in your city, town, or village?

    +5  Views: 644 Answers: 8 Posted: 8 years ago

    8 Answers

    We have CCTV cameras all over the place here in our little town. I think it is a great idea because so many criminals have been caught on tape, including a man who murdered a 16 year old girl.

    The Fraser Valley in the heartland of berry farmers and yes, we have cameras everywhere.  

    On a side note, a friend's husband was killed about six weeks ago in small town Alberta.  It was caught on camera and the murderer will go to court. 





    A sad moment for the camera to have to capture,,

    Overwhelming actually. He was a great guy, did a lot for what he believed in and now, his wife and children are left without him.

    It is sad beyond comprehension.

    Fresno, CA, USA.  Stores have security cameras, some intersections seem to have cameras. Sheriff helicopters fly overhead routinely, but there's never one around when needed.

    Krefeld, NRW, Germany.

    If there are cameras, then they are perfectly concealed.

    The stores all seem to have security cameras and the police have started recording the Rungburg area here in Austin, TX. The company where I worked for 24 years produced traffic cans used world wide. But not in Austin,  too many lawsuits.....

    Buderim Queensland,no i do not think we have any up here yet..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""

    I live in a village , we do have a speed camera, because the traffic comes into the village straight off of a dual carriageway.  We don't have any other cameras, but in the local town four miles away there are cameras everywhere. We used to get a lot of trouble years ago because it's a garrison town, especially when the Scots were stationed here next to an English regiment.  We don't get any trouble with the soldiers stationed here at the moment, it's  the paratroop regiment. We get more trouble from the students from the local university. 


    Wee bit rivalry never did anybody any harm.

    The pubs were always full and lively in those days Roy , and every police car an MP in it. Now there aren't many pubs left, just a few wine bars.

    Our village in the Finger Lakes area of NY has seven red lights and no cameras that I am aware of.

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