    Black lives matter

    Unless you're a cop. 

    +6  Views: 859 Answers: 5 Posted: 8 years ago

    5 Answers

    ....all lives matter

    ....everyone, police included, should be treated with respect 

    ....the disproportionate deaths are wrong

    terryfossil 1

    Yes you are right Ben,,however what difference does that make..??????>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    ....better training for police and better communication with the people served and by the people served
    ....can life-or-death situations be realized by both police and community through communication and education; this gap in understanding both sides must be addressed.
    terryfossil 1

    Check the link i put in my answer Ben,then tell me if you think they have put in any of the things you mentioned,from 4 years ago....>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    terryfossil 1


    It is possible the black driver shot dead with 4 bullets would still be alive and well if your gun laws were amended --- only in America.   (:


    Exactly Kent.
    terryfossil 1

    I think the cop would have found a reason to shoot him anyway Kent,,,so getting rid of the gun from the black guy would have made no difference,,i reckon the cop was walking on fear,,and they need to be more selective on how to have better cops to do the job..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    Let me be the first to invite you over to straighten out the problems here, gentlemen. Maybe take care of those Brundy wild horse massacres first?
    terryfossil 1

    @ Bob,,Brundy wild horse..?????????

    Wild horses in Australia being shot for sport. Bow and arrow hunters, rifles, hunters posing with their dead prize. I wonder what you do with a pregnant horse you've just killed...make blankets and dog food?

    They are 'BRUMBIES" Bob.LOL. And they are a nuisance in some areas.

    Thank you for correcting me, Tommy.
    I think what is old here is the naive idea that gun control will stop crimes. Our criminals are resourceful, as stabbings, bombings, poisonings, strangulations, etc. shows.
    The publicity given to minorities being shot is disproportionate to the actual number of shootings, and, while I don't like anyone getting shot, how are Police to know whether or not a mentally ill person with a weapon he won't drop poses a threat? How many cops have been killed during routine traffic stops? I would hesitate walking up to any vehicle nowadays.
    The majority of people and those who own firearms are responsible and law abiding. You do not take THEIR guns away in an effort to reduce shootings. That minority of pond scum WILL remain armed, of that we can all be certain.
    So, I guess I'm suggesting Kent and Terry offer something tangible and stop tsking and clucking.

    At the risk of getting into a long & fruitless debate I do think some sort of gun control could do something to stem the mass shootings. It worked here.It got a lot of guns off the street which were easier to get by the wrong people.It doesn't mean you can't own a gun.It just makes it harder for the wrong people to get one.

    My son has several guns, locked in a safe. He went through a background check for each and every one of them. The Dallas shooter had several years in the National Guard (I think that was it) reason to suspect him of being a threat. What kind of gun control protects without infringing on the 2nd amendment?
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Bob,i think i will go along with Tom,a fruitless debate for anybody looking from the outside,,the killing will continue and we will continue watching,,All the best Bob..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    There is no simple solution
    terryfossil 1

    Maybe Bob,at least not one America would agree with..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    There you go insinuating again. If you have a viable plan, say so; otherwise you are needling and armchair coaching.

    OK....I'll hold my breath as I say this....Maybe get rid of the 2nd ammendment.

    Go on, explain how taking away my right to legally own a firearm is going to stop the insanity. Explain to me how you provide weapons to the FBI and Secret Service, law enforcement, the military, and leave John Q Public at the mercy of some SOB who has obtained his gun illegally....or maybe has one from Fast and Furious, when the US Government released weapons on the black market and had no way to track them.
    Elaborate on your viable plan.
    terryfossil 1

    The last 2 black guys that were (accidently???) shot by the cops were wetten in their pants as soon as the mention of a gun is mentioned,,so if every second person pulled over has a gun on him,the cop is gonna want to be the first one to shoot,because if he aint he could be the one dead,,so how jumpy do you think that cop is gonna be. Gun control is a bit like what you said about your son,his guns are locked in a safe.if the law says everyone's guns have to be locked in a safe and have a liscense,,the cops are not gonna be quite as jumpy,,i did not like our gun laws when they first came out,,but they have worked,if everyone carries a gun,everyone is gonna be scared of everyone,and fear gets people killed..>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Apparently, Mr. Sterling had prior conviction (s) for child molestation. Lots of peeps won't miss that.

    I'm not following your logic, Terry. It may behoove you to study other resources to get a better understanding of gun ownership in the US. I still don't understand how your plan makes everything better.
    terryfossil 1

    I cannot say it any better Bob,however when our gun laws were brought in i did not like it,because like you guys i did not like being disarmed,however like everybody else i went through the system and acquired a license and kept my a result there have been less shootings,,there have still been the knife and punching,,but that was always there..and that is a big improvement from the likes of Martin Bryant Massacre...>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Targeted attack on Dallas Police tonight. Three officers are dead, at least, 7 officers  injured, some critically. They were maintaning order at a protest march over the Minnesota and Louisiana shootings.

    This was an ambush by at least 2 assassins, NOT the protestors.  If the snipers think this is going to calm relations anywhere, I would suggest they think again.

    Isolated civil disobedience, or part of a plot to create nationwide chaos?





    Our news said the cops have killed 500 people this year,,it would be interesting to know how many were Black,how many were crims,and how many were white..and how many were black cops..when you look at this video from 2012,you gotta ask,so what has changed,,and the answer is,nothing ever will..>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    The Wahington Post published an article July 7, 2016 with year-to-date stats, not including the Dallas incident last night.
    Half of those shot have been white, 27% black. One-fourth of those shot have mental illness as a contributing factor.
    This is always a race issue for some, and I'm defending no one. However, when you have engaged the Police in a car chase....and the car you are driving is stolen, how much risk for their own safety and that of other motorists and pedestrians is required before shooting the suspect? Black woman shot by Asian policeman, San Francisco, California, 2016, for your reference.

    The article I dead stated five dead,  seven wounded.  Two were civilians. They cornered the shooter and sent in a robot with a bomb installed. Did that get him,  I don't know. Yes , Black Lives Matter but you wouldn't think so with all the selective news coverage. By far, more white guys have been killed than black BUT, the two latest race related killings make the cops look awfully sucky. 

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