    Female Prime Minister to lead the UK...and then...Hillary YIKES !

    Is this what the Book of Revelation referred to as Armageddon.?

    +6  Views: 875 Answers: 5 Posted: 8 years ago

    5 Answers

    ....they are the meaner of the species.

    terryfossil 1

    Wow,you gonna get a purple heart for a suicidal comment like that Ben..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Uh, is this statement meant to slander women?  There is no reason that a woman couldn't do the job as well as the men. It's happened throughout history. I'm a little weary about the women but that's just my age. I don't think they wouldn't do a good job. 


    I DO find Hillary rather frightening.


    terryfossil 1

    Oh great,another Ben impersonation..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    SARCASM at its best!

    Lets be fair Digger,we had a woman Prime Minister in Aussie,and it was disarsterous for Aussie,however she did not last long as she got kicked out big time,,we have a Premier in Queensland who is running the state into bigger debt everyday,,she will be gone at the next election,,i am not saying men do a great job,but the question is,would a woman do a better job.,in this time of equality,PC and what have you,there is simply some jobs men do better than women,and some jobs women do better than men,,IS THIS one of them jobs???????..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..   


    Well now Terry, the last and only female Prime Minister we have had in the UK, was the best Prime Minister we ever had , so lets wait and see. The two in the vote off now would do well to work together, could be a good thing I think.
    terryfossil 1

    only if you end up with the one that voted to leave ..she also has a head for figures,,if there is one thing the UK needs now,is someone who understands the financial position of the UK and knows how to fix it..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I think it should be handbags at dawn to sort the winner out,,

    Terry one could be Prime Minister and the other Chancellor of the Exchequer .

    Dennis I think you could be right, if they don't agree to work together.
    terryfossil 1

    I guess time will tell Sunny,,for better or worse...>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    As I said on my comment to Terry. I think the best Prime Minister we ever had was a female, a bit bossy but she stood by her beliefs . Not too sure about Hillary though. 


    Thatcher was a a....can't say it it here, but you know what I mean, good for your end of the country!

    I new that would stir you into making a comment Roy. I respect your views.
    That's democracy , as I'm sure you agree. It's a pity some of the people can't accept the referendum result in the same way.

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