Severn years , and £10,000,000 later we are told what we already knew. Military action was not necessary in Iraq at that time, Tony Blair was in contact with George Bush telling him he was with him what ever, as if he was President Blair of the UK , not the leader of a government. Saddam was not the threat which they said he was , but they just went ahead. That may be ok for an American president to do , but its not what a British Prime Minister should do, he has to consult with the government and get their approval first. So as we watch ordinary soldiers accused and charged with murder, when they reacted on the spur of the moment under pressure, no one who took the decisions to go to war will face any charges. Typical
4 Answers
Somebody gave Bush very bad information and Blair apparently did little or nothing to corroborate it. They will bear the shame in history books for decades...probably 5-7, then somehow, it will all get twisted.
Again, here we are, trillions in debt, too many friends and families grieving over their crisply folded flags, and our hands tied behind our backs because there are so many who actually put their faith in politicians.
8 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Im at a loss at what to say,when we allow Blair/Bush,and their tow rags act on behalf of humanity,
8 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I was of the opinion the people who lived there were very happy Saddam got blown away,Saddam Hussian was in no way a good kind hearted man..the world was certainly better off without him..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
8 years ago. Rating: 5 | |