    Do you think it punishable what Hillary did concerning the emails?

    The  FBI found nothing wrong and you know they dug deep, couldn't prove she knowingly messed with classified information. It wasn't extreme enough....

    +7  Views: 829 Answers: 11 Posted: 8 years ago

    11 Answers

    Actually, there was evidence, but the FBI didn't feel it should be prosecuted. Corruption is everywhere. 

    ....hard to determine without knowing the polices/laws/restrictions she had and the classifications, at the time, of the information.

    Image result for hillary is a criminalImage result for hillary is a criminalImage result for hillary is a criminal


    This should make it clear Hill of lies ary is not the best choice to be CEO/CIC of anywhere
    terryfossil 1

    There is enough reason there to ditch the B***h i reckon..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Evidence evidence evidence, if there ain't enough, she is presumed innocent.


    There was a bucket overflowing with evidence, and that there was no indictment convinces me there's a conspiracy or threat somewhere. That "chance encounter" in a private plane screams "foul".
    Unfortunately, her peons and sheep will support her unconsciously.

    Well over here the slightest sign of anything corrupt, you would be wasting your time, because you wouldn't get elected. Having said that most politicians are liars. 


    As it should be, SunnyB. Here, the president is leading a rally for this scoundrel, people are cheering, and Nom thinks the WELSH are stupid.

    Yes it was on our news lat night, Obama is backing her,and no charges are being made, it helps who you know.

    This country has gone to hell in a hand basket. Did you hear the broadcast of FBI findings? John or Jane Doe would have slept behind bars; Clinton slithers away. IF anyone heard and really thinks about this, he won't cast a vote for her. This is so ugly.

    If I were American I wouldn't vote for her.

    American security been suckerpunched. least perjury. I've hired people to be responsible for the safety of my family, friends, and my votes.
    They'd better get busy.

    How could the average person ever find out the truth? I think there is a lot to be said for those in leadership positions to avoid 'even the appearance of evil'. However, that is just old fashioned thinking apparently. It's more like do whatever you think will help you get richer and more powerful. 

    The way i read it is she was a stupid person for not keeping confiditional material secure in private emails,,,that makes her incompetent,not a criminal..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    I've never thought she was stupid unless you mean stupid like a fox. Ah Bill and Hillary, a match made in heaven.

    Everything out of her mouth was contradicted by the FBI summary. At the very least, she is guilty of perjury.

    There was plenty if evidence but the Clintons will never be prosecuted for anything. Tell me how a military general did the same thing that Clinton did and got hammered for it.


    His name is eluding me right now..

    Is that the Petraeus issue? 6 years

    I think that's the one

    Yes...and I think it's also punishable what Bill did to "f-emails".


    So agreed

    If I remember right, didn't she repeat the words, TOO BIG TO FAIL. What was in those 34,000 emails she had erased ? She told employees not to have work done their at home due to security reasons, she didn't listen to her own words. She put the nations security in jeopardy and could not realize it ?  Supporters really don't care what she did.

    As long as she didn't leak out important, crucial  information to our enemies in an email, it matters not to me.

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