    Mirror Mirror on the wall...

    Today is Compliment Your Mirror Day.  How does your mirror compliment you or does it?

               I see a lot of grey hairs on the top of my head. LOL

    +10  Views: 1338 Answers: 12 Posted: 8 years ago

    I see no hair at all on mine.
    country bumpkin

    Do have a few strands growing out of your ears? Technically, that is still your head. LOL

    Oh yes , I do ears and nose, I trim them about twice a week.
    country bumpkin


    12 Answers

    Last year, I'm OK now...............


    got the cataracts fixed. ;)

    country bumpkin

    You may have felt this way but you did not look like this. :)

    I feel terrible giving you a TU. lol

    The really bad eye is better now.

    Can you see perfectly now?

    Sorry, can't hear that question.
    Try another frequency.

    You can see clearly and you now wear black leather suits?
    country bumpkin

    It's a secret!

    terryfossil 1

    Ya looking great mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    My mirror and I are brutally honest with each other. The biggest compliment we exchange is, "Well, it could be worse!"

    country bumpkin

    I get ya. :)

    You actually are quite pretty.... quit complaining !!!!!

    So is CB and our yellow duck friend.

    I have seen pictures of the three of you and you are all good looking. Without a doubt.
    country bumpkin

    Thank you. :)

    @Fish....You've seen a picture of me???

    You are too kind.

    Yes Ducky. Many moons ago. You had short hair and lovely features. I think we were talking about something to do with light fixtures :) .... Anyway, we were mad at the person who shall not be named.

    I maintain my theory. The three of you Are pretty.

    Not I. Any pic of me is only a photo that I grabbed from the internet (showing what my short hair looks like) and I don't video chat but thanks anyway for the compliment. Also no memory of any "light fixtures". :(

    It was a long time ago when we were on Skype.

    Not I. Never video chatted....ever.

    Colleen knew what you looked like too. Maybe we both got it wrong.


    I guess so....never video chatted with her either. BTW, what DO I look like? I've often talked about my short, naturally curly hair. What else?

    I saw a picture on Skype when you were deciding to become a moderator.
    You were very nice looking and seemed to have excellent taste ... That is what is stuck in my cranium. (A very smart woman who is very good looking with excellent taste). ... That is what I have always thought.

    I have no idea who's photo was on Skype but, I do know we were talking.

    I also know that Colleen and I had a conversation about how you came across, how capable you seemed to be and what you appeared to be visually.

    So far, you have pretty much lived up to that.

    (Caelan was severely bullied and I had to find him a new school. I am sorry about the Dennis thing. Dennis should stick up for himself.)

    Thanks for all the compliments but my pic was never on skype either. There has been no picture of me anywhere, at anytime on skype or elsewhere on the internet. Never video chatted with Colleen either, ever.

    Roy was asked, CB and I didn't cut the muster and now, I actually have no idea who you are.
    The picture must have been of someone else.

    Anyway, at the time, we all thought you were perfect for the position.

    And.... Then disaster happened. Sad.

    Tell me about the disaster? I'd also like a description of the picture that you saw.

    Can you email me please? Ducky.

    I am on my cell phone and just answered you in the completely wrong place.

    I am more than happy to tell you everything from what was presented in front of me.
    I am sure that CB will too.

    I am working a lot these days, but I will get back to you.


    I don't have your email. Where did you answer? I'll just go there to read the pic description.

    Ducky, you are slender, as are your feet - quite unlike most ducks. I picture you looking athletic and healthy from being a golfer who is also gluten free.

    @Bob....guess you've seen my invisible picture too? lol
    country bumpkin

    I have read through all of the comments. Fish-O, you brought my name up a couple of times in this thread so I will respond.

    You said here>> ( I am more than happy to tell you everything from what was presented in front of me.
    I am sure that CB will too.)
    I'm assuming you are referring to a picture of Ducky that was presented in front of you. I have never seen a picture of Ducky on Skype nor akaQA or anywhere else.


    @CB. I was talking about the downfall of the Skype relationship with Colleen et al. I am sure that your and my view is very similar except when Dardaigh wrote me those horrible notes ... But even so, I am sure I copied or tried to copy them over to you.

    As far as the photo goes, Ducky, you and I were typing back and forth early in the morning and discussing a person who was on the site talking about ligh fixtures or something to that effect .... Whatever, ceiling light fixtures were involved. It could have been one of those weird glitches where the wrong button was pressed. It happened to Colleen and it happened to me.

    Now, I have to get to work.

    I apologize if there are any spelling errors. I am on my cell phone.

    Have a lovely day ladies.

    Oh! And, CB, there were two subjects being discussed. Sorry to bring you into the mix.

    @Ducky, maybe it wasn't you. Terry Fossil the First says that his tattoo of a cross and a heart bled like a hose. I have many tattoos and none of them did that. Or, they could have and my mind is going.
    So, I am very sorry to have upset you. I still have you very pretty in my mind.

    Now, I really have to get to work.

    Take care all.

    (Also, I am not being sarcastic. Just in case anyone thinks that. I may be loosing my memory skills .... Honestly).
    country bumpkin

    Kay, thanks for the explanation. I do remember seeing one of the (three?) very nasty emails that Dardaigh sent to you and I also remember that you told me the head of Administration at that time,( I remember his name but I won't mention it here) wrote Dardaigh back and gave her a very stern warning.

    Kay, below here is a copy and pasted explanation from Terry about why his tattoo bled so much.
    Maybe an explanation is needed here,the tatt was done at home,,a 1 needle wrapped around a pencil with cotton,then dipped in indian ink,,and simply stab away,the depth of the needle would vary on each stab,in every 20 seconds you would wipe away the blood so you could see where you were stabbing,,and a slug of vodka each time, a long and painful my defence of my stupidity i was in my teens..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    Here is the link if you would like to read it.

    @ Bob, I apologise for all of this being written underneath your answer to my question. If you would prefer to have it all removed,please let me know.

    I am not upset at all Fish. I just know for a fact that my picture that you continue to insist that you have seen, is nowhere and never has been! I asked you for a description of the picture that you saw and also where (according to you) you had mistakenly answered that question elsewhere, so I could go there and read it but....

    @Ducky, I have no idea who I saw and why a picture was involved.

    @CB. All of my tattoos were professionally done. That is all I am going to say. I am letting the entire subject of that man go.

    @Bobette, I am also sorry. I imagine if we all had a conversation in real life none of this would not have occurred.

    Peace out K

    I will say I know scratched an self pierced and I still call BS. But hey, he must have more blood at the surface.

    It really kind of sucks when someone grows up Inner City.

    .... Letting it go.

    CB, it's no problem... Quite an education.

    I also know people with Jail Tattoos that never mention bleeding like a hose .....

    This is me letting it go.

    Not in any tattoo magazines either, of which I have read many... You know, because my daughter is a tattoo artist.

    I have had body augmentation done and I have never experienced hoses of blood. If I had, I would have stopped.

    .... Just letting it go.
    country bumpkin

    @ Kay... Terry and you both had different experiences while receiving tattoos, but to claim that his version is BS is NOT for you to decide. You have made your point and Enough is Enough!!!

    I was planning on becoming a tattoo artist or a potter. I chose potter because I had already had two years of University on the subject.
    I studied the subject of tattoo artist. My friend who also studied the subject with the tattoos on his skull was pretty serious about it when I was. He now works for the Vancouver Police Department...

    But, hey, I always talk about subjects I have not studied in depth.

    The next thing you know, he will be talking about ramp firing schedules. God, forbid, Canine Nutrition or Wet/Dry trickle filters. .... Maybe your genius non-lying friend can also tell us how to keep and breed Banded Coral Pipe Fish.

    Unless he was stabbed with the pencil, he was not bleeding like a hose.

    Well, I just happened to remove the mirror from a dresser.


    I pay for my hair. That said I see a tired looking girl, not woman, just tired girl……….



    you need a pick me up,,then a night on the town,,
    country bumpkin

    cute :)

    I see your double up below, I'll take it out for you.

    I find this quite weird but my mirror tells me that my hair, although no longer dark brown, is still light brown. When I see my reflection in a store mirror or when I'm outside in the sunlight, I'm always shocked to see very white hair! What? How does that happen?

    country bumpkin

    Darn mirrors! :(

    Oh no, I like my mirror. I should just stay home. lol
    country bumpkin

    Oh, I get it...Darn sunlight!

    And those STORE mirrors.... ugh. :)
    country bumpkin

    The store mirrors should be banned.
    terryfossil 1

    I know the problem Duck..your mirror lies to you just like mine does..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    So I look way worse than I think I do? lol

    You can't HANDLE the truth.

    The 'truth' can only get worse at my age. :)

    My mirror never lies,so i never ask it a question..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    .... I see old hair.

    country bumpkin

    A little brittle or not there? LOL
    Benthere still waves in the wind.
    country bumpkin

    That's Trumptastic! LOL
    Benthere, no.

    ....certainly, not as rich or talkative
    country bumpkin

    My imagination is getting the best of me.

    ....getting close with a little longer hair




    I'm thinking of getting one of those mirrors that you see at the fun fair, where you look different shapes, I think I would look better in those.

    country bumpkin

    Don't be so hard on yourself. :)

    I only carry a small compact mirror with me now ,just enough to check out my functional capability,,

    country bumpkin

    Does William have his own compact mirror.

    Williams functional capability alas were taken from him at a tender age,

    When I look into a mirror, I see nothing, that is because like Dracula I have no soul.

    country bumpkin

    For some reason, I don't doubt you.

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